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Does every ranged player target Sentinels first in PVP?


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I target Sentinel/Marauders last. They have great cooldowns and at least in my eyes, they're the easiest to CC/least threatening of all ACs minus Juggernaut/Guardian.


For my Commando, the target priority is something like:

Op/Sorc Healers > Op/Sorc DPS > Merc Healer > Merc DPS > Lolmelee


Melee are just very easy to knockback spam into uselessness.

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As a vanguard tank I usually don't worry about Marauders since my shields actually work pretty well against them. I prefer to charge up to sorcs or agents (interrupt them and they go down fast; otherwise they can deal serious pain). I don't even bother with tanks unless they're really hounding me.


So yeah Sorcs>Agents>Mercs>Marauders.

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It's simple logic, it's a class with low defense, little range capabilities but devastating damage. Take steps to make sure they don't keep someone pinned in place for too long and their damage is going to be shrug-worthy.


Combine that with how many forget to use some of their defensive buffs because of their little application in PvE and they won't stand up to 2 or 3 enemies for any considerable time.

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It depends entirely on whether the enemies remember me from prior games or not.


Some players make it a point to try and shut me down. Others don't, and they die.


This patch though, it seems like I've been running into many, many more premades. They tend to take a more active stance on trying to stop me.



In terms of getting focus fired, I generally avoid running through a position on the battlefield that is vulnerable to range crossfire. I don't see why people insist on doing that and getting burned down. Shrug. Newbies don't know how to play melee DPS :(.

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I try to get focused... then lol as I pop defensive CD's and get healed back to full health 8 seconds later. Bwahahahaha.


Smart players know that our weakness is CC, not focusing us... you focus a Scoundrel or a Sage, not a Sentinel (a competent one, at least) even though we have the same damage potential, because they are way easier to kill.

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