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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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I'm sure there is some way that a rollback can be implemented. I had a very strange bug 2 days ago (to which i made a ticket that was then deleted with no response 2 days later) in that whenever i tried to put items in my bank i was immediately sent to the character selection screen only to immediatly log on to find my character had been rolled back by about 5 min to my previous location and with everything back in my inventory.


Sounds more like your action were not committed to the DB than a rollback.

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A roll back, are you people joking? Think about what you're asking Bioware to do. The roll back would effect everyone and that includes non PVPers. Why should everyone be punished for a small percentage of the player base exploits.


Because nobody´s gonna hand out bans for exploiting and the problem´s still there. They should´ve shut down the servers hours ago and just hand over free days while fixing it. The longer they wait the more unjust it will beome for all the others - I know that.

Edited by Gohr-
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To everyone saying they are going to cancel their accounts or keeping it canceled...WE DON'T CARE! You remember in WoW when the mages could instant cast any spell? Everyone rolled a mage and used that exploit and the current mages were unstopable. Well they DIDN'T do a rollback. Now shaddup already. Just shuddup. Noboooody careeees.
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To everyone saying they are going to cancel their accounts or keeping it canceled...WE DON'T CARE! You remember in WoW when the mages could instant cast any spell? Everyone rolled a mage and used that exploit and the current mages were unstopable. Well they DIDN'T do a rollback. Now shaddup already. Just shuddup. Noboooody careeees.


^^ I think THIS is Biowares official response translated from the marketingees to basic.

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What facts aren't straight?


Screenshots, youtube videos, and live streams aren't good enough from you? Testimonials from folks self-admitting that they did it and somewhat feel ashamed about it? The testimonials in hundreds, if not thousands of new threads posted yesterday (which were quickly deleted and locked) from folks who were literally stuck in a, "permanent" death loop at the spawn point inside the Republic base because of the overtly aggressive and intentional spawn camping?


Or do you not believe the dev post at the beginning of this thread acknowledging that Ilum's changes had "unintentional" side effects, bugs, and caused seriously inflated valor gains?


Alrighty then...


No, they aren't good enough. I prefer to actually play the game rather than searching the internet looking for reasons to become angry. You often get exactly what you look for, even if it's not actually the case... you're expecting to see it so you will see it regardless. Testimonials? Like turrets giving valor and people with level 14 battle masters, both impossible?


Do you honestly think that 20, 30, 40+ Republic wouldn't rage log when we have a forum full of people rage cancelling when they didn't even experience it? Do you honestly believe that the people that chose to respawn got nothing or will you use some logic? They got good valor too, probably not as good but still very very good.


Yes, it was too much valor, at least in comparison to warzones, but no it wasn't even close to as bad as the people who didn't actually experience it keep telling us it was. 500 valor a minute is 30,000 and hour or less than ONE LEVEL AN HOUR if you're near valor rank 60.

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I really dont think the game is going to crash and burn now. 80% of the playerbase is PVE. But yes, this probably killed off PVP. I canceled yesterday.


Biggest problem isn't the mess up in itself, it's how they handled it afterwards.


1) If someone can grind 25-30 valor ranks in one day, obviously this is broken and should be considered an exploit. Roll back was the only option. Bioware is letting ppl get away with this, which in itself is a reason for any competative player to cancel.


2) My main reason for cancelling is how they handled the flow of information yesteday. They had a BIG base of dedicated (and most of all) concerned players, begging for information and empathic answers. We got political bs.


3) Obviously the solution sucks donkey. If you think rep-players should cut their losses cos they were killed alot. Like stated above. 25-30 valor ranks in one day was not intended by devs, and is therefor not republic players fault, but the developers.

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2 days left before renewing my subscription, if nothing is done, not only "fixing" ilum, but about overpop faction getting to rank 60 valor in 1 day, cancelling my account also. Way to kill republic pvp on my server.


Who exactly went from 0 or near 0 to 60 in one day?

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What's rubbish, is that you refuse to accept that we had a decent fight just because you didn't.


Who cares what "YOU" did?


Try to see beyond "YOU" and see the bigger picture.


At least hundreds of people exploited the system and have gained a HUGE advantage over everyone else.


Bottom line is SOMETHING needs to be done about it, regardless of what "YOU" think!


I don't like narcissistic people....

Edited by bobbyk
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They need to do a roll back big time im empire i camped the republic for a couple hours got 8 val rankings in that little amount of time andi think they need to do it big time all those who are saying they shouldent are just petty morons who dont want this game to succeed in any way...


DO THE ROLL BACK BW it needs to be done..

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A roll back, are you people joking? Think about what you're asking Bioware to do. The roll back would effect everyone and that includes non PVPers. Why should everyone be punished for a small percentage of the player base exploits.


dude a valor rating reset to how it was before the patch wouldnt affect anybody than pvp players anyhow

bgs were empty since then anyways.

Edited by grobianblumian
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You're glossing over a couple of points.


1. This was clearly players exploiting a vulnerability in the system architecture.

The Dev response here acknowledges that they did not intend for players to be able to invade Ilum's "safe zones." For them to do so, constitutes an exploit.


2. "Spawn camping" is specifically mentioned in the TOS as an example of in-game harassment -- particularly when it's accomplished as a result of exploitation of a bug or design flaw in the system architecture.

Did the individuals indulging in this behavior agree to the TOS? Yep. Otherwise, they would not be allowed into the in-game environment.


3. We are responsible for our own actions.

Protestations that it's somehow BioWare's "fault" for screwing up their game architecture are unpersuasive to me. The bottom line is clear: these people WERE exploiting a flaw in the architecture, and they WERE griefing opposite-faction players, and they WERE acting in a manner they bound themselves NOT to engage in, in their TOS agreement. In the words of my late grandmother: "If everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you jump off too?"


I for one think every player who indulged in this activity will be lucky just to get off with a valor forfeiture. I'd expect account suspensions, and maybe even in some cases for the ringleaders or those with a history of malicious exploitation of in-game systems (such people know who they are), permabans.


I was thinking that too.


Some people got stuck getting killed for 5+ hours and that is certainly a form of harassment when you can't do anything and they won't stop.


Killing someone once or twice is one thing but killing the same people for 8+ hours is no longer a accident.

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They need to do a roll back big time im empire i camped the republic for a couple hours got 8 val rankings in that little amount of time andi think they need to do it big time all those who are saying they shouldent are just petty morons who dont want this game to succeed in any way...


DO THE ROLL BACK BW it needs to be done..


You just admitted that you should have your account suspended or banned.

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You're glossing over a couple of points.


1. This was clearly players exploiting a vulnerability in the system architecture.

The Dev response here acknowledges that they did not intend for players to be able to invade Ilum's "safe zones." For them to do so, constitutes an exploit.


2. "Spawn camping" is specifically mentioned in the TOS as an example of in-game harassment -- particularly when it's accomplished as a result of exploitation of a bug or design flaw in the system architecture.

Did the individuals indulging in this behavior agree to the TOS? Yep. Otherwise, they would not be allowed into the in-game environment.


3. We are responsible for our own actions.

Protestations that it's somehow BioWare's "fault" for screwing up their game architecture are unpersuasive to me. The bottom line is clear: these people WERE exploiting a flaw in the architecture, and they WERE griefing opposite-faction players, and they WERE acting in a manner they bound themselves NOT to engage in, in their TOS agreement. In the words of my late grandmother: "If everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you jump off too?"


I for one think every player who indulged in this activity will be lucky just to get off with a valor forfeiture. I'd expect account suspensions, and maybe even in some cases for the ringleaders or those with a history of malicious exploitation of in-game systems (such people know who they are), permabans.



Well put, sir, well put.

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A roll back, are you people joking? Think about what you're asking Bioware to do. The roll back would effect everyone and that includes non PVPers. Why should everyone be punished for a small percentage of the player base exploits.


Hahaha, what would non PvP-ers lose by rollback? Valor they didn't have anyway!? ( im period of 1 day ). You're such a joker :rolleyes:

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You just admitted that you should have your account suspended or banned.


Why cause i did what every one else nin the game did if i get banned so should 90% of the empire players we all did it just no one wants to admit it atleast ill admit it and tell them that it needs to be done ..

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Who exactly went from 0 or near 0 to 60 in one day?


by the time i did my daily, i went from 44 to 47 with no bonuses (20 honor per kill), while being constantly camped in base getting 1 or 2 kill / minute, outnumbered 70+ vs 20 roughly. They were getting TONS of kill (~80 with all the objectives i guess), do the math...

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You're glossing over a couple of points.


1. This was clearly players exploiting a vulnerability in the system architecture.

The Dev response here acknowledges that they did not intend for players to be able to invade Ilum's "safe zones." For them to do so, constitutes an exploit.


2. "Spawn camping" is specifically mentioned in the TOS as an example of in-game harassment -- particularly when it's accomplished as a result of exploitation of a bug or design flaw in the system architecture.

Did the individuals indulging in this behavior agree to the TOS? Yep. Otherwise, they would not be allowed into the in-game environment.


3. We are responsible for our own actions.

Protestations that it's somehow BioWare's "fault" for screwing up their game architecture are unpersuasive to me. The bottom line is clear: these people WERE exploiting a flaw in the architecture, and they WERE griefing opposite-faction players, and they WERE acting in a manner they bound themselves NOT to engage in, in their TOS agreement. In the words of my late grandmother: "If everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you jump off too?"


I for one think every player who indulged in this activity will be lucky just to get off with a valor forfeiture. I'd expect account suspensions, and maybe even in some cases for the ringleaders or those with a history of malicious exploitation of in-game systems (such people know who they are), permabans.



Bioware stated that they were suppose to have a forcefield type barrier like in huttbal. so they had it on the test server and never noticed that the barrier wasnt there? i call BS. that statement was a coverup to make people feel better it was just good pr or at least an attempt at pr. which thus causes your other points to be invalid since the statement was untrue. they put in two turrets to help aid respawns in the base that was the help they intended and it didnt help. so it wasnt an exploit and no violation of tos. again go outside and get some exercise or quit and go play wow.

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