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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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What do you want to tell us with that link ? You are looking at the 1day trading which is not telling you much. Look further and you will see the big drops was on the 12 Jan. Furthermore other company are losing stocks price too.


Thats a pretty big drop, and it's droped more from the time of your posting. not good, not good at all.


Here seems to be the cause:


By Dan Gallagher SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch)


-- Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on Thursday morning after an analyst with Brean Murray Carret & Co. cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "Star Wars: The Old Republic." In a note to clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "Star Wars" -- which was released in late December -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," Mitchell wrote.



Yeah so not good, looks like investors are heading to the escape pods, lol


I hope they can pull it off because i really do like the game and would hate to see a Tabula Rasa size fail.

Edited by Darktread
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I seriously don't see why everyone's getting all butt hurt over this. It's a BRAND NEW GAME. It's been out a month and you're expecting no serious bugs? Holy crap, and I thought I was a moron. People need to quit comparing this game to all the other MMOs, especially WoW. All of those other games have been out for MUCH longer and have had all that time to work out the kinks. If you don't like having to deal with a setback or two along the way, then get the hell off this game already and quit crying. Edited by YoDaFann
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Electronic Arts has more than just TOR, that number =/= TOR


If you knew anything about the stock market, you would realize that much of what determines stock prices is speculation. If the game is performing much worse than expected (sales-wise), they will be losing huge amounts of revenue. Think of it this way, $15 a month from each subsciber over the course of a fiscal year... millions of dollars. Not to mention the millions of dollar invested into this game with development and advertising. I think its safe to say EA is taking a hit from all this

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Great fix... instead of being zerged inside the base, we're now zerged outside the base.




Wasn't that the issue? People couldn't leave because of it. Now they can leave and let the mob of imperials try to figure out what to do with no one there. Basically, it's like it was before for those few servers that people actually did this.

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Gabe, i understand you took part in developing warhammer, which wasnt quite as good as daoc in pvp terms but still, way better than SWTOR open pvp. I think you should call your old colleagues who developed DAOC and get some advice seeing as it was spectacular in world pvp compared to this sad, sad , zerg/lag fest with no particular goal.


A few points, all probably already been written.


1.) Same valor for single kills as ops kills of other players, really?


2.) its already been written x many, but performance in crowded areas, ***?


3.) Whats even more puzzling is that there is no way for your char to develop (RealmRank skills, etc.) , beyond winning the bagitem lotto, which isnt exactly inspiring. Getting full champion set takes ~1-2 weeks.

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I honestly have never gotten the attraction of open world pvp, it has sucked and been imbalanced in every game it has ever been applied to. I find it boring to gank, and more so to be ganked, so open world is never going to be the place for me.


Agreed. I like the occasional warzone, and being able to do something in there without top notch gear, that´s all.


I was offline due to work past two days, I come back and see this mayhem. It´s not valor and stuff that is of any concern to me, but whether the company is competent to maintain its game. This looks like a screw-up of sorts, I wonder how they recover.


I kinda like the game, but it needs a large playerbase to stay afloat for longer that two months. Such issues don´t help.

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Blatantly lying about the issue to the player base then gives the players a slap to the face with the worthless tokens/title, will not be subscribing unless roll back and massive improvements are implemented. I really wanted to give you guys a chance but you screwed it up.
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Cant wait to see the nerf on harpoon when servers go up, when the imps get dragged into the city by harpoon and insta killed. I expect same day roll day backs and perma bans for such play against the empire.


Take the servers down permantly until your sure you can fix the problems and the imbalance that has been caused. I can go without if it means this game will be "un-broken". These exploiters need to be punished.


Please publish their emails and usernames to other games companies so they cannot partake in other test servers or betas as they cannot be trusted to not exploit.





Wut??? People who don't care at all about PvPing shouldn't be able to play while the servers are down just to appease a bunch of PvPers?


What is wrong with you?

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The changes to Illum were needed...Sorry to all of you who wanted to trade objectives while lookin at the other faction 50 yrds away. Guess what Bioware messed up...Guess what they are fixing it in 1 day....RELAX!! The Valor should be rolled back to the previous day, as it would be the fastest/cheapest way to get things back on track. You can't keep 1-2 levels of Valor if others will be able to keep 40+ levels because they farmed a turret in Illum.... Thats like if they farmed Flashpoints to get BattleMaster gear.... And to anyone who is going to quit over 1 mistake which they are addressing as a very important issue and have a fix for it going in place atm...then BYE! Much credit to you Bioware...Keep up the good work. Edited by Genosidious
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I seriously don't see why everyone's getting all butt hurt over this. It's a BRAND NEW GAME. It's been out a month and you're expecting no serious bugs? Holy crap, and I thought I was a moron. People need to quit comparing this game to all the other MMOs, especially WoW. All of those other games have been out for MUCH longer and have had all that time to work out the kinks. If you don't like having to deal with a setback or two along the way, then get the hell off this game already and quit crying.


^ wouldn't they look at the successful MMOs and learn from what they did? This could have been avoided with some critical thinking skills.... or just regular thinking skills. still a fun mmo imo tho

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Well Bioware said that they meant for illum to be the way it is just not able to camp in the base. So if they meant for pvp to be this casual then the game is indeed in trouble and with the way they set up the worlds you will almost never come accross a player of the same faction. This being the case why have pvp servers at all? Unless they plan on 50's having nothing better to do then grief low lvl players in thier own areas. Which is a whole different issue.



Other then the rollback which would appease alot of players and probably upset just as many. They should just roll back the honor earned yesterday. Some suggestions to fix the current issue:


A. You only get the bonus valor while on the daily, once you have your kills you no longer get the valor.


B. Take away Bonus Valor all together people will still pvp for the fun of it and all pvpers need the bags so they will at least do daily/weekly.


C. Do A or B and you get a merc token for each kill. Which would give players a reason to pvp illum other then giving away valor.


The Reason for these suggestions is world pvp should not grant valor faster then wz.

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Why are you only including forum users as players who will quit? I hope you are aware that not everyone announces they are leaving.


Just inferring in general, I don't notice people on game yelling about quitting.


Also seems the type of gamer to leave over a matter such as this would be the same type to voluntarily go out kicking and screaming on message boards, trying to see if anyone cares.

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I kinda like the game, but it needs a large playerbase to stay afloat for longer that two months. Such issues don´t help.


The biggest problem I see is that there is a significant portion of players (at least the vocal ones on the forums) that just won't be happy with anything. My subscription, and I suspect a lot of others, rides on Bioware recognizing this and hopefully there's enough of us that are patient enough to let them work on the issues without ****CANCELLING due to rumors or screen shots other people post.

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I seriously don't see why everyone's getting all butt hurt over this. It's a BRAND NEW GAME. It's been out a month and you're expecting no serious bugs? Holy crap, and I thought I was a moron. People need to quit comparing this game to all the other MMOs, especially WoW. All of those other games have been out for MUCH longer and have had all that time to work out the kinks. If you don't like having to deal with a setback or two along the way, then get the hell off this game already and quit crying.


There's a difference between a setback and a permanent setback.

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This thread has been hilarious.


Once the half of the un-subscribers return due to their gaming addictions, they'll forget all about this ordeal once they reach Valor rank 60.


Maybe some real-life time will be good for them.

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If there isn't a rollback within the next 24 hours I'm unsubbing, I'm not kidding.


You know how insulting it is to grind out to 60 only to see about 50 scrub newbies farm valor exploits on Ilum yesterday for battlemaster?


You're going to lose a lot more people than you think, BW. Enjoy.

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Wut??? People who don't care at all about PvPing shouldn't be able to play while the servers are down just to appease a bunch of PvPers?


What is wrong with you?



2 things;


1: no you shouldn't be able to play while the servers are down....because they're down


2: the key word is "bunch" as in; ****load, ***ton or **** of a lot IE; the majority



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