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Idea to help marauders


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As far as everyone is concerned the dmg and the fact we get CC'd so much is pretty soul destroying. while i agree in some parts most people base the fact that they get CC'd, destroyed so much is because you're usually fighting within groups of people. i.e. 3-5 or 2-4 etc. this leads people to get CC'd much more than normal. in a 1v1 situation you can almost always close the gap on someone (unless you have already popped everything and its all on CD)


However my main problem is healers and the heals they can dish out that heal for so much. to this I would love to see the marauders abilites have something that reduces the healing. not all abilities but more than just sabre throw. i.e. ravage and force choke, should reduce targets healing by x% for 6 seconds. (happy to have people disagree)


This would allow for us to at least get back to someone without them having healed themselves back to full health which can be most irritating.


Again its a minor fix but would help out marauders (IMO) on a larger scale seeing as all we really have is dps,dps,dps.




Edited by Shakydvs
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I would love to see the marauders abilites have something that reduces the healing.


Marauders have Deadly Throw which reduces healing received by 20% for 12 seconds or so. 'Nuff said.

Edited by Ardim
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Marauders have Deadly Throw which reduces healing received by 20% for 12 seconds or so. 'Nuff said.


Sorry, I should of said more than one ability other than Deadly Throw. Also where did you find 12 seconds debuff for Deadly throw (not being smart just dont know where to find it).


*Edited* Wrong information provided in the context

Edited by Shakydvs
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Agh I was wrong, the debuff is 15 seconds. Anyways I'm a Marauder and have this skill and it's also on torhead.com. Says:


Range: 10m

Delivers a wounding attack with the main-hand lightsaber, dealing Something-Something weapon damage and inflicting trauma for 15 seconds, reducing all healing the target receives by 20%.

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