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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Screen Tearing


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I have a killer system but unless I run the game on fullscreen (windowed) mode (vs fullsreen) I get terrible screen tearing. This didn't for the first ~hour of gametime but since I can't play at all on fullscreen. I was getting ~110 FPS with settings 100% maxed prior to the issue. Here's my system details:


Core i7 2700k @ 4.6 watercooled

2x HD6950's in xfire

16 GB ram

SSD Boot drive

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Same.. Try V-sync, but may drop your frame rate. also may want to kill shadows and see if that make any effect. During Beta Shadowing was messing with my rig, but been working fine on release for me.. But seems to be a problem in ATI Cards. (Im running 2x 6970's in crossfire with no probs atm). But try the shadowing.
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