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pvp help plz


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Hi can anyone help me here I'm lvl 50 with 12/14 champion pvp set gear and my guy just doesn't hit hard.


I've tried Watchman and That great in all but it just doesn't do enough damage to kill a healer with 18k life.


I've tried combat and I love the spec does good damage but blade rush 50% time doesn't work it just stalls out he will swing and then not do anything.


the only spec i haven't tried is focus. idk much about that spec.


can anyone help me out with spec for pvp or something?? help plox

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Watchman, keep burns up all the time, spam your kick when he tries to heal, be on him at all times and keep your -20% healing debuff on him. I have 0 problems with healers and can mostly kill a healer with a dps beating me at a same time.
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with focus, you're basically a point blank aoe shotgun. its pretty fun and with proper support, you can wreck people. especially when converged on a point or a door. I have gotten 3k+ crits on force sweep and im not even geared that well. also the 20% armor penetration for all attacks helps too.
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i agree with baron..


we are by far the hardest class to play, its almost nearly impossible to solo anyone, unless you know what your doing.


my opinion watchman is the best but i just know how to play, burn em fast and hard, stun em (kick or statis) then burn em some more..


i havent tried focus yet, but ive read and heard that its the best for pvp but when i look at the tree i dont see how or why -_- lol

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