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CC Overkill?


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I waited about 6+ hours to post about this, giving myself time to cool off a bit about it but I don't think it did me any good to wait.....


I can't stand all the CC in this game. Why does a tank have hard CC AND incredible damage? Why does a scrapper have hard CC AND incredible damage? I can understand soft CC like KB or Immob, but there is too dam much CC in this brand of PvP. Flat out, it's sucking the fun out of WZ play for me. I spend way too much time of my WZ matches suffering in helpless CC. Don't give me the old resolve bar discussion. I don't care about it any more and am well over it. It doesn't work.

I don't know who thought all the CC was gonna be fun? They were wrong imo. VERY wrong. If you enjoy all the CC, that's great, more power to you(although I don't know how).

The "break-free" ability's cool down is ridiculously long compared to how much CC is in this game. RIDICULOUSLY long. Everyone and their mothers have CC dripping out of their butts, able to throw one out almost whenever they like.....now multiply that by 8 opponents.....divide that by 1 breakfree.....every 12 days. (ok that last part was frustrated sarcasm rearing it's ugly head) But seriously, so many fights/encounters are:

I get CC'd, I break free, then am promptly CC'd again, unable to do a thing about it anymore, often resulting in death.

The more I play, the more I feel like skill is less and less of a factor in this brand of PvP. Imbalance and gear seem to win out more times than not. I am not a top PvP'er in this game, not by a long shot. But I'm no run of the mill chump in PvP either. I understand how PvP works and have been among the top in other games.(yes I know I know, this isn't other games) Don't care, I know when something isn't fun, I don't need to be a great player to have fun. CC'ing everything to death isn't fun. Being CC'd to death isn't fun.

Of course I'm sure I'm the only one who feels this way....:rolleyes:


This needs to be fixed in the future and also needs to be acknowledged as "needing to be fixed" if I am to continue paying my sub fee beyond the few months I have already invested in. Frankly, I'm a little pissed I already spent that money.:mad:



If one of you mods removes my thread, consider my account canceled. You don't crap on your customers by kicking them out of your store when they aren't happy with your product. You "listen" to their concerns and address them.



Edited by WickedImage
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so the short is...you dont like cc so fix it....



fix it how? take it out? make the timers longer?


I'm not an employee of BW. Thats not my job to fix, it's theirs. I haven't a clue how to fix it. Maybe some immunity to CC for X amount of time after you break free, maybe diminishing returns on CC applications, I don't know. But I certainly don't ask my customers how I should fix their problem with my product or service. I also don't delete their concerns when they are voiced, as is happening in abundance here with customer complaints on these forums. Sweeping it under the rug doesn't solve anything.

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