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Jedi vs Sith in MMO's


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Jedi are no supposed to kill unless there is no viable alternative, but that rules out the majority of the games content.

Jedi aren't supposed to romance, but it's beneficial to do so in-game.

Jedi light side conversations are boring and expected, meh.


Sith love killing indiscriminately, which is just as well because that's what the game is about.

Sith can romance whomever they want and not be conflicted.

Sith dark side conversations are funny and often result in unexpected outcomes.


Seriously, talk about immersion breaking, being a Jedi in this game is just silly unless you just forget about the lore altogether and commit to the dark side, and if you want to be dark side the Sith do it with so much more style.


There will always be a population skew on the side of the Empire because Sith are fun, Jedi are boring and it's consequences are already apparent within a month of launch. What is more, I can't think of anything that can be done about it, flawed foundations do not make stable structures.

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Jedi are no supposed to kill unless there is no viable alternative, but that rules out the majority of the games content.
There is no viable alternative for most of the game. You are attacked.


Jedi aren't supposed to romance, but it's beneficial to do so in-game.
Why would you label it as beneficial? It is up to your character whether you romance someone or not.


Jedi light side conversations are boring and expected, meh.
I disagree. If doing the "right" thing isn't your cup of tea, then perhaps you shouldn't play Jedi or perhaps you shouldn't play Light Side. It's entirely up to you. If you think murder, death and mayhem is fun, you shouldn't be taking the decisions that counteracts that.


Sith love killing indiscriminately, which is just as well because that's what the game is about.
Not necessarily on the first part, agreed on the second.


Sith can romance whomever they want and not be conflicted.
Tell that to Darth Malgus.


Sith dark side conversations are funny and often result in unexpected outcomes.
This, though.. this I can agree with. Much too often, there is no downside to taking the Light Side choice. No nemesis to come back and haunt you because you didn't kill them off. That criminal you spared never falls back into a life of crime.


Whereas if you're Dark Side, everything falls apart around you. You killed the Captain? Great, his worthless underling takes his place and fails miserably. You killed an asset? Your boss chews you out.


In my opinion, Light Side choices should come back to haunt you more. There should be such a thing as failing as Light Side. Not everything and everyone is puppies and rainbows and sunshine when you go Light Side. But in the game, it appears that way.

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In my opinion, Light Side choices should come back to haunt you more. There should be such a thing as failing as Light Side. Not everything and everyone is puppies and rainbows and sunshine when you go Light Side. But in the game, it appears that way.


Good guys finish last, I guess that's what it comes down to, so choosing to RP as a good guy brings about the same rewards as in RL, not a lot. However, as this is a game, maybe something can be done to reward those choices?

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Good guys finish last, I guess that's what it comes down to, so choosing to RP as a good guy brings about the same rewards as in RL, not a lot. However, as this is a game, maybe something can be done to reward those choices?


Well, I disagree. I play LS because it is very satisfying for me to have the best outcomes in almost all cases. I find the vast majority of DS choices to be absolutely derptastic, bordering on completely idiotic in terms of character actions and the ensuing results, killing assets and expertise left and right.


That said, while I prefer LS choices over DS in about 70%-80% of all cases, they ARE a bit lackluster.


Edit: I think the fundamental issue is, when I think about it, that most LS options are about incation rather than action, which thus gives the appearance of doing nothing.


You refrain from killing someone. You avoid a confrontation. You don't shock Vette.

Edited by Luckmann
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Regarding LS/DS. My main is neutral, I usually pick the 'this is stupid, why would I do the other thing' option. I'm at +500 last check.


Yeah, actually roleplaying is somewhat mechanically detrimental. I roleplay my character, so he's only LS3, because I keep taking DS choices in the interest of the Empire, or against traitors, and so on.

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Been playing my smuggler in a RP way... and what I hate is that, even though a lot of Dark side choices give me credits... a lot of quest givers seem to be women.


And my smuggler has a weakness for women :(


Send him for a walk every time you need to hurt a woman and/or shower him with presents. You'd be amazed how a good weapon can make him forget all about the chick you shot in the face.

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Send him for a walk every time you need to hurt a woman and/or shower him with presents. You'd be amazed how a good weapon can make him forget all about the chick you shot in the face.


You can't exactly give presents to yourself like that. :p

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I find the DS options very stupid at times. I get the whole self-interest part of the DS, but they make them too short sighted. Yes, evil tends to be, but not always. Palaptine was able to take over the Galaxy because he thought long term. There is no strategy, long term consequences, more importantly, no manipulation.


Case in point, on Korriban, the quest that sends you out to get the critters brain for the Sith Master has you chose to turn it into him for DS points or turn it into his apprentice so she can fix it so he looks foolish and fails giving you lightside points. Why can't I manipulate her? threaten to tell her master of her decent giving you darkside points, w/e else and still turn in the brain. Or equally different for a lightside option.


Also with the Jedi, they are very much creatures that operate in the "shades of grey". While good, they don't specifically go out of their way to be perfectly good. Look at Obi-Wan and Yoda, both twist the truth about Luke's family in order to shape him in the way they want. Yet it's not seen as a way of the darkside. Jedi Mind Trick, very much used to manipulate.


They almost went too far out of the way to make this game as clumsily and foolishly black and white as possible for their stupid LS/DS gear mechanic.

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