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Confirmed: Everyone here over reacted.


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The problem is people who respawn give as much valor. The PVP team forgot the fundamental rule in PVP - If people have a reason to spawncamp, they'll do it.


This is a valid concern. Only because apparently they can spawn came and keep people in a death loop by the sounds of it, but then again these are likely the same liars who said fresh 50's were now rank 100.


Assuming it's remotely true though, beef up defenses, give an option of where you respawn, give a 10 second immunity when you respawn.

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Really, cause as an imperial that was on this morning and on Ilum I went from valor lvl 57.5 to roughly 57.75. These valor rumors were spread by trolls wanting to doom the game and people like you who are dumb enough to fall for it spread it even more, sending the forums into this roll back panic that is happening now. Is there performance issues happening, yes. Is there faction imbalances, yes, but we have known that since the beginning. You should address those issues and stop spreading non sense you know nothing about. Fact is, for a while this morning there were pretty even numbers for each faction on my server and PVP was actually pretty fun. As more imps showed up though and it became a massive zerg, the fun went away and I left the planet.


did you actually attack anything or just sit there afk like most people?


even as republic, i'm getting decent valor when i suicide AOE as long as i tag some enemies

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Proof? This is a screen shot of the same kind of spawn camping we know is happening and doesn't show any valor rewards much less 450k for anyone.


All the screenshots show a bunch of people and nothing else.


People are getting valor for player kills, it is fine. Maybe they will do something about spawn camping but they will not do a rollback. If people feel they are being spawn camped stop going there for now.


Dying over and over and complaining the other side gets too much valor is silly

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