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My server has no problem...


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Ilum is one of the most entertaining things I've done on the game, I'm on the Imperial side, Many of you are saying Imperials are just retardedly over populated. Not on my server, We had a good 16v16 going Republic vs Imperials in the Central post, both sides had a good number of kills/deaths and both sides were even still taking out the Crawlers/Walkers.


I have seen that some people are getting farmed hard core which is definitely a problem, that can be fixed with spawn immunity, and a rollback is necessary on those servers, if it can't be specified to one server then I'm sure the community can just entertain themselves for one day with the knowing of a coming rollback. Yes you won't be progressing, but that doesn't mean you can not have fun.


Another thing is people are saying "Oh my friend hit rank 60+ valor within 20 minutes from rank 1 valor." These people are called trolls, you get 50-70 valor points a kill it takes beyond thousands of valor per rank up, you aren't going to get that this fast unless you are on one of these servers that has an unreal number of people on one faction and not the other.


One way they could fix the overpopulation of one side is to just make Ilum PvP almost like a warzone and only allow a certain amount of people in at one time but I mean really not everyone's servers are having this issue, So just because you read it on these forums doesn't mean you have to go cry on your server without ever actually going to the PvP zone.


TL;DR ~ Stop trolling and don't let yourself be trolled. Not every server is having an issue with Ilum. *** is everyone crying about?

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They should really just bring the servers down and make a decision immediately to rollback or implement a fix for now, while it's just a day of play affected. It's clear something should be done. Rollback now, sooner is better than later if you're going to do it.


The current Ilum clearly is not their intentioned play.

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