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Can anyone throw down some constructive feedback instead of trolling the forums. I don't want this game to be like /b/ from 4chan. I'm getting tired of people yelling, "FAIL" at the top of there CAPSLOCKING.


This trolling is becoming kind of ridiculous. Only people that stay around are going to be people that need to force their idea onto others or the other MMO individuals that are afraid of this game gaining in popularity. Just leave if you are just going to make it your mission to bash this game. You guys have to realize that EVERY MMO has launch problem and needs time to plant it's roots. WoW had crap tons of problems and they got fixed over time.


Patience - it's a lost art.


We understand that you hate the game. Just leave. I'm one of the those people that will stay with this game and support it in it's endeavors. I see potential.


The facts: BioWare is new to this field/genre. They are trying to improve this. This is their baby and it needs time to grow, learn, and fix what could be and what's broken atm.


Very well put, pity a lot of these replies didn't either read or understand what you were saying.


This is a very good MMO, and I will be sticking with it for a long time, bugs and all. It is worth the time and money.

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Rampant doom-saying and blind fanboyism are both extremes that are dangerous to any MMO, TOR included. Neither allows for constructive feedback, the voicing of concerns and problems that must be addressed, suggestions for improvement, or enable the development of a healthy community (while a forum represents a small portion of the playerbase, those people play the game and bring their perspectives and attitudes into the game itself, at which point influencing and affecting the larger population as a whole on each respective server).


If there is a silent "majority" of sane and level-headed individuals able and willing to listen to feedback (positive and negative), I hope they will one day stand up and put the extremists in their place while trying to foster a more healthy and positive community atmosphere. So long as this back-and-forth blind attacking continues, the community will just devolve. And there are quite a few people who DO base their subscription on the state of a community.

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So what if this game is new and WoW did not start perfect...


What the hell has this to do with anything...


Maybe cos this game is NEW we can make it text MMO and you people will defend it with words ''LET IT GROW''


Sigh... incapable ot logical thinking


The game was released in 2011 well 12 more likely AND we will compare it to the games NOW AVAILABLE not the games released in 2004 or 80s...


FFS try and put that in your head... if i go to wow or Rift i dont go to game in 2004 but i go to game in 2012...........................................


Thats how it is...


Its like if a new car comes out and you have no airbag in it.... and the shop guy would tell you ITS NEW GIVE US TIME TO IMPROVE AND PAY US MILLIONS. cos well the car of other company in 1950s didnt have airbag....


flawed logic all over.




Then quit and go away, what I want to know is why you have top post so much abuse for something your not interested in.

I hate cats I dont keep a cat, and I dont moan about people with cats.

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Regardless of what games your loyalties lie with or whether or not you like TOR, (I for one like the leveling experience ALOT) I don't see why people are so quick to and fond of making excuses for the devs. There are lots of things that people feel BioWare could have polished off prior to release, in many cases these things aren't even the huge "oh space combat sux" complaints, but seeming oversights and glitches you would think they would've caught in beta. In no other profession would anyone get away with the excuse "Oh, I'm new, let me get a hang of this!" You don't get a "hang" of something that you are selling to people at full price. And no, we don't need to fight about "standards". but there is an iota of truth in that argument. The expectations of the market demogrpahic have changed since 2004. And it is the job of anyone trying to sell anything to tailor a product in a general sense to the current market baseline. Blizzard got away with it once, almost a decade ago, but the market was new, generally. Noone else should. Instead of saying, "Hey WoW was inferior at launch and it did well, TOR can too!", As a responsible consumer the reaction should be "Why does another company think they can fleece us of our time and money like Blizzard did?" Haven't we learned?
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I am very disatisfied with the way space is set up and from what I hear on Ven Zallow everone is. We were very much looking forward to an open world space with some pvp. Other than the obvious format of SWG maybe think big like a pvp fleet battle that you can take control of a capital ship or a fighter/bomber. Feelings on this people? If you feel the same way I do please help me let them know or we will be stuck with this Starfox 64 layout.


Sounds like EvE would be more inline as a space based game for you and your guildies.

Huge fleet PvP is the main focus of the game upwards of 500 ship battles the norm. But I truly doubt you have the sack to put up weeks worth of Grinding to get mounted and seeing you ship go poof. Mabey one day this game will have that added to it but for now ground bound and a little asteroids is all your gettin.

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I've had very few problems with the game at all and even fewer with the people playing it. Apparently everyone but me is having bad luck. Sadface.


That being said, new game is new. Bug fixes will come out, things will be changed in time. Keep in mind that some issues may not be the game itself, but your computer or your game settings. Obviously if you have an older computer that hasn't been upgraded, you'll probably not want to attempt running graphics at high settings. Play around with your settings, see if it helps any.


Actual game bugs are still being discovered. Yes, they have people test the games before they put them out, but it's a team of kids smashing the same button over and over to see if they can break the game. THAT'S Quality Assurance and that's how they find bugs. Obviously you won't find them all that way, it takes actual game play sometimes. So be patient.


Also, as someone who has some experience with coding/programming... Sometimes a code should work a certain way, but isn't. They're easily overlooked mistakes and can cause some of those mistakes that have been made so often in the past. Some of the issues are as simple as forgetting a single figure in a code. HUMANS are making this game, you can't expect it to be top notch right out of the package. It's good and they're working to fix things. Again... Patience.


Couldn't agree more. I played in the last two betas and bought the game shortly after release. So far(knock on wood) I've had ZERO problems, with the exception of everyone complaining about how the game is "barely playable" and screaming in all caps about what THEY want NOW!


I think the main problem with the QQers is they expected this game to be WoW with light sabers. Well guess what, it's not, and I for one am glad to see it.


And before any of you griefers start asking, yes I have played other MMO's up to and including WoW where a toon really looks like a cartoon because the graphics still look like they're from 2004.


I don't understand why people can't just enjoy the game and stop complaining.

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I see you only see this from a singular point of view, your own. Quite frankly I'm done trying to impart a secondary view for you to see this from. Yes they will improve, but don't take up subs time to find a median, . And in no way shape or form did I expect (nor did many others) an immediate remedy (impossible given this magnitude), but in a timely manner. Only time will tell. And the improve the product tidbit I threw in there was directly about the 1.1 patch where they seemed to walk backwards, w/e the situation was.


"I see you only see this from a singular point of view, your own."


Judging by your posts, you seem to suffer from the same affliction.

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So they have just created WoW with a Star Wars skin. not good enough

Where's the epic all in fights with the whole empire force and the space fighting, THIS IS STAR WARS!!!!! based on the movies, get some space fighting...

all I am doing is what I did in WoW, go kill some stuff on my own, bring it back to quest giver, do some dungeons with some peeps, craft some stuff.... same thing but I got a light sabre (which sadly is enough to make me wana keep playing) :p MMO whore


Most people are saying that because its an mmo they can say 'It's a work in progress'

that isn't an excuse for failing its an excuse to make something better, there is a difference!


If they made this a Skyrim type game... you think it would look better? play better?

I'll leave that for you to answer.




No, they haven't created "WoW with a Star Wars skin" that's why the griefers and QQers are complaining. They want WoW with lightsabers and THAT ain't gonna happen.


Quests and crafting are part of just about every MMO I've ever seen. If you don't like those things why do you play MMO's?

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If this is their baby, and this was the real world... it would've been put into a care home by now.

If 6 years and a huge budget isn't enough to get a plyable working product free of bs out the door. Then they really need to go back and do what they do best i.e. make crappy pulp schlok console games for people who don't know any better...



you are one of those people that needs to *********** leave. your ignorance is so profound it would be pointless to argue with you. you wouldn't be happy with perfection, because you are looking for things to ***** about. there have been 10,000 posts in the last 24 hours that are nearly word for word what you wrote. what the **** do you think you are accomplishing with your utter lack of originality? you clearly have no understanding of the millions of subtle adjustments that have to be made in programming an mmo post-launch. Just shut the **** up and cancel your sub, because your kind isn't wanted in this community.

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I am content with the current UI. So it's a matter of taste and opinion. That *you* want it to change, doesn't mean it should be top priority for the company. And that's where the 'instant gratification' remark comes from. You want something, and you want it now, and you're totally oblivious to the fact that it might not be that important to others.


Besides they're working on it in the next patch and that is a good thing so be glad about it. And in general people should try making posts about how they would like the UI to see changed, and not come to the forums yelling how bad it all is. I agree with the OP in that respect.


Yes, oblivious to the fact that a great many beta testers, including myself, added this to the list of recommended and highly desirable changes before the game went live...what a full year ago? I also remember stating how I wanted it changed...window scaling and relocation. So it's wonderful that they finally get it in game in the next patch! It's about damn time! Wee!

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