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Finaly, i was first on the DPS charts, with 220.xxx damage, not made a screenshot

not find it important enough. *also have the feeling they where fresh 50s guy's.


all i can say, damn this class being so depanded on gear, it's not even funny.

it really matters 1 piece more or less (PvP piece).


i still think it's wrong made, gear sud come 3e place.


if you complain about Marauder, check you'r gear first really it's no joke how depanding it is on this class.

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Faceroll forums conversation. Learn to proof read man.


Also, if you want to flex your epeen about your damage. Post up something worth posting. I break 200k every match in my fresh 50 gear as I grind out pvp on my marauder.


People here are breaking 450k each game, so maybe you should spend a bit more time on your typing skills before you pollute these forums with your gibberish.

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Faceroll forums conversation. Learn to proof read man.


Also, if you want to flex your epeen about your damage. Post up something worth posting. I break 200k every match in my fresh 50 gear as I grind out pvp on my marauder.


People here are breaking 450k each game, so maybe you should spend a bit more time on your typing skills before you pollute these forums with your gibberish.


**** this, last time i ever waste my breath on losers like you guy's.

first i not even *********** ENGLISH NATIVE stupid mother ****er.

second, I have dyslexia, and it get really *********** sick of the same ******** alwas on this *********** forums.

third i hope you die in a fire, and burn you *********** face of.

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Also, if you want to flex your epeen about your damage. Post up something worth posting. I break 200k every match in my fresh 50 gear as I grind out pvp on my marauder.


I break 200k every game just about on my marauder bar a few odd games, and I'm not even level 50 on him.



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Yah man. Been that way since early 40s...considering the new skill levels are the finalized lvl 50 skills.


Havent had a fresh piece of gear really since Belsavis other than Voss sabers heh.


But yah it tripped me out when I was nearing 50 and i noticed skills went from 31k+ to like 8k.


I thought BW and EA were being ultimate trolls lol.

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Finaly, i was first on the DPS charts, with 220.xxx damage, not made a screenshot

not find it important enough. *also have the feeling they where fresh 50s guy's.


all i can say, damn this class being so depanded on gear, it's not even funny.

it really matters 1 piece more or less (PvP piece).


i still think it's wrong made, gear sud come 3e place.


if you complain about Marauder, check you'r gear first really it's no joke how depanding it is on this class.


you think other classes are not gear dependant? you think their damages don't scale with better gear as good as marauder? marauder is the easiest to kill for me in WZs. I know you have only one CC break and no burst heals. I can snare and kite, CC, keep under force charge distance. The only way a mara can kill me is if I get zerged, even so I take the squisy marauder down with me as I put my dots on him. My dmg, hp and DR also scale with my gear just like Mara's, but I have way more utilities to kill the poor sob

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you think other classes are not gear dependant? you think their damages don't scale with better gear as good as marauder? marauder is the easiest to kill for me in WZs. I know you have only one CC break and no burst heals. I can snare and kite, CC, keep under force charge distance. The only way a mara can kill me is if I get zerged, even so I take the squisy marauder down with me as I put my dots on him. My dmg, hp and DR also scale with my gear just like Mara's, but I have way more utilities to kill the poor sob


This boys and girls, is what we call bluster and hyperbole.

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I'm actually a paramedic IRL


OP you're suffering from "the class is fine" syndrome.


It causes you to make new threads about topics already being discussed in several.



Thank you for your time but there's really nothing to see here.







you think other classes are not gear dependant? you think their damages don't scale with better gear as good as marauder? marauder is the easiest to kill for me in WZs. I know you have only one CC break and no burst heals. I can snare and kite, CC, keep under force charge distance. The only way a mara can kill me is if I get zerged, even so I take the squisy marauder down with me as I put my dots on him. My dmg, hp and DR also scale with my gear just like Mara's, but I have way more utilities to kill the poor sob


Who are you again?

Edited by Kibaken
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