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What are the odds that November people are getting in


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Considering they made it too early October today I'd say your odds are good.




I didn't see any posts other than September. This is great news, if it is accurate.


Tomorrow is actually the first day of Early Access and it seems that after tomorrow the majority of preorders will be in.


I am very excited as I am a Nov pre-order person and I expected too get maybe 1 - 2 days early access, but 4-5 is way above my expectations!

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Frankly, given the volume of time relative to number of preorders covered today, I am actually expectant that they will enable Early Access for everyone else tomorrow.


Remember that the rate of new preorders fell off fairly drastically after the first few days, and only continued to shrink as time went on. This is why the first day of EGA covered merely a few days in July, while this second day covered about a month and a half's worth of preorders. I genuinely expect that by this time around two-thirds of all preorders have gained early access, unless there were a ton of people preording in October - which I think is straight up unlikely.


Anyway, on Twitter Stephen Reid alluded to *fulfilling a promise* of getting every preorder 5 days of Early Game Access. Between that, and what I've read regarding the preorder metrics and how quickly they slowed down after the first month or so, I would genuinely expect that most or all remaining preorders receive EGA tomorrow.


I don't really care that much, though. As long as I'm in by the 17th (when I originally anticipated getting access), I'm satisfied.

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I am Nov 28th, pre-ordered earlier from Gamestop but never got a code. Switched to digital via Origin. I'm cool with Friday myself. I have work the rest of the week and now I have B2K:BF3 to keep me occupied for the next couple days, so Friday is cool with me.
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Pre-ordered my copy on November 29, and registered it the same night. I'm hoping I get in tomorrow since I luckily scored three days off in a row (without asking for it). Today was the first of those three days. Bah humbug, indeed.


Had those weekend beta deals happened a little bit earlier, I'd probably be playing now. They were the only reasons I pre-ordered in the first place.

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Frankly, given the volume of time relative to number of preorders covered today, I am actually expectant that they will enable Early Access for everyone else tomorrow.


Remember that the rate of new preorders fell off fairly drastically after the first few days, and only continued to shrink as time went on. This is why the first day of EGA covered merely a few days in July, while this second day covered about a month and a half's worth of preorders. I genuinely expect that by this time around two-thirds of all preorders have gained early access, unless there were a ton of people preording in October - which I think is straight up unlikely.


Anyway, on Twitter Stephen Reid alluded to *fulfilling a promise* of getting every preorder 5 days of Early Game Access. Between that, and what I've read regarding the preorder metrics and how quickly they slowed down after the first month or so, I would genuinely expect that most or all remaining preorders receive EGA tomorrow.


I don't really care that much, though. As long as I'm in by the 17th (when I originally anticipated getting access), I'm satisfied.


I would say if they keep increasing the wave size then it's possible everyone will get in tomorrow. Atm though I'm betting on everyone in by 16th unless they do a bonus wave. That is if you take into consideration that there is always a hype before launch so I think November/December pre-orders will be high.


That is of course pure speculation as I don't have any figures in front of me.

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Actually in all four waves yesterday there were only about 100k added.


Today EACH wave was about 100k people - so a total of 400k added.


With the 1million estimated pre-orders we are officially half way there.


You do realize these numbers are completely wrong right?


119k physical copies were ordered between July 21-30. That means about 90-100k physical copies got in yesterday. Plus all the digital copies.


There are 900k plus physical copies ordered. Its going to be around 2-3 million in EGA

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You do realize these numbers are completely wrong right?


119k physical copies were ordered between July 21-30. That means about 90-100k physical copies got in yesterday. Plus all the digital copies.


There are 900k plus physical copies ordered. Its going to be around 2-3 million in EGA


And exactly why they need the staggered EGA rather than throwing everyone in at the same time

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Just thought I'd post this though, tweet from Stephen Reid (Senior Community Manager for TOR):

@Rockjaw Stephen Reid

@WonuBear @WuKill3r You both might want to re-read. Up to end of November (ish) tomorrow, more on Friday.


Note that it says up to not end of November. Not guaranteed but still a lot of people. December will be in on the 16th

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