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Easy way for Republic to do their dailies.


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Few points:


- As of this patch, attempting to engage in a fight that has more than about ten participants means that I regularly get the surprise Load Screen boss, even in Warzones. In Ilum, I get crippling two second bursts of lag at times even in 1v1 fights. I have turned all my settings down or off where possible.

- I did not want to be a warm body parasite, so I avoided joining a raid group.


Instead, I went around in stealth, picking off Sith in small groups. I'd occasionally meet another Republic who also had escaped the southern and central massacres, and we'd kill a few before splitting up, because we quickly found that whenever you kill a Sith, there is a strong chance they will come back to the same area with multiple friends, and it is easier for one person to escape against three than two to escape from seven. Size, therefore, became a liability.


This was a lot of fun. It took me more than three hours of time to get my daily done, but I earned it. This gives me warm and fuzzy feelings and a sense of personal accomplish-


What do you mean, that was the daily? The weekly needs HOW MANY?


So anyway, there you have it. You just have to be a stealth class, and skilled and geared enough to take down most Imps solo and even be able to take two at once occasionally, and never move in groups of more than two, otherwise you will attract their ire and they will bring the thundering hooves of lag to your doorstep to kill you. And they might figure out to start camping the sharp drops around the forward speeder points for the Republic.


But that's all there is to it!


Great if you really want the 'hunted freedom fighter' experience roleplay, I guess...

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For what purpose we play a pvp game?


To kill other players. And (sadly) to get a better gear, so we can keep killing other players.


PVP is the end-game.


Honestly, the hunting part was actually pretty cool, but three hours to get it done that way is obscene. If it was an hour, I could see doing it regularly. And I don't want to get it done via raid because it's mindless and I'm basically free valor with the LOAD SCREEN issue.

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