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Commando Issues


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Hello Commando Community.


As you know, we still have a lot of issues still plaguing our class and ability to preform at 100% efficiency. I play a Gunnery Commando for PvE and AS/Gunnery/Medic Specs for PvP, depending on what we need.


Looking over the patch notes I see a lot of fixes for other classes but nothing for Trooper/Commando. I have submitted multiple fixes and solution on how, yet they don't get acknowledged. Either way I will still continue to try and better YOUR game for you.


Worst of all bugs is the jumping channel/cast bug. If you have not experienced this before, all you have to do is jump, then try and either cast when you land or channel something. You'll notice that the channel/cast will begin but nothing happens at the end of it. You have to STOP CAST/CHANNEL and re-use the ability causing 1-2 seconds of natural Lag. Add that up, it makes a different. Some people might be thinking "why are you jumping?" I am referring heavily to PvP, but, there are many Flashpoint's that do require you to actually move around and jump. Natural delay's have also cause me much distress. GCD should be lowered to 1 second, not 1.5. This would help tons with clipping and chaining your abilities more efficiently.


Another huge concern of mine is not having a TRUE interrupt. If you are in melee range then sure, you could stop someone from casting a couple times. Don't know about you but as Gunnery, you really don't want to be in melee range. Thus, making 2 of of our 4 "Abilities" melee use only, another one is a CC that breaks on Damage, and the Good ol' Cyro Gernade that works half of the time and has an awful CD. Solution - a ranged interrupt!


I'm sure its been said a billion time but get a DAMN COMBAT LOG YOU JOKERS. I don't know bout you but when I pug, I end up doing 80% of the group damage. It's Silly. Not only would it allow end game guilds more effective use of mechanics, but you could actually track the damage or "Lack" of damage to make proper fixes. Not trying to flex my E-peen, the situation my call for one for gauge damage. It's also a way of tracking PEOPLE's inability to do well, this Helps Guilds Make more Logical decisions on Picking the Operations Group Comp.


My last concern has to do with the closing and travel speed of commando's in PvP. We CAN'T run fast. We CAN'T Grapple or Pull anyone. We CAN'T Jump a mile across the screen. We CAN'T Vanish and drop all target's. Two ways to fix this. One, make all our knock backs immobilize the target for 3 seconds or give us one of those abilities.


In a Nut Shell

Fix Cast / Channel effects post movement

Implement a ranged interrupt on a 8 second CD

Just add a combat log

Implement a Graple/ Leap / Charge for Commando's


This ins't a Complain fest. This is my 3rd attempt to have Bioware Acknowledge these as Problems and make some strives to adjust the abilities accordingly. All I as for is a little Balance, if that means I do a little less damage, so be it. Control is Key to Kill.


Thanks Everyone for your time,



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I agree with a good bit of what you saying and think a boss interrupt that is talented low in the gunnery or assault tree would do it. (add to one of our existing skills HIB, CG, or FA.)


I don't think we need a distance closer unless they try and put the interrupt on stock strike. :confused:

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I agree with a good bit of what you saying and think a boss interrupt that is talented low in the gunnery or assault tree would do it. (add to one of our existing skills HIB, CG, or FA.)


I don't think we need a distance closer unless they try and put the interrupt on stock strike. :confused:


Shock Strike has a Knockback if you spec for it.


A closer is a must, we 1 of 2 classes that don't have one.

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