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Rakghouls spreading outside Taris post 1.1


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I liked the teaser in the 1.1-post http://www.swtor.com/blog/design-notes-game-update-1.1

"Expect a few surprises between these Game Updates, too. You never know when the Republic might strike Dromund Kaas, if a mysterious alien fleet could appear in the Core Worlds… or when the Rakghoul plague of Taris might infect the rest of the Galaxy. Changes are coming, and they’ll affect everyone. "

I hope this will mean a more changing world, that would be great.


I might regret that I didn´t investigate the rakghouls on Taris better, as a smuggler I usually avoid getting involved in government missions (cure and stuff). My mission was to get into the most recluse parts and extract something I needed, the rakghouls where only there to give the place an eerie feeling (stealth ftw!) convincing me thta what I seeked most probably would have remained untouched for decennia.

I might have stayed longer in this intriguing urban jungle if I where into archaeology, scavenging or even biochem.


/Slicer Glom on Nar Shaddaa

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I liked the teaser in the 1.1-post http://www.swtor.com/blog/design-notes-game-update-1.1

"Expect a few surprises between these Game Updates, too. You never know when the Republic might strike Dromund Kaas, if a mysterious alien fleet could appear in the Core Worlds… or when the Rakghoul plague of Taris might infect the rest of the Galaxy. Changes are coming, and they’ll affect everyone. "

I hope this will mean a more changing world, that would be great.


I might regret that I didn´t investigate the rakghouls on Taris better, as a smuggler I usually avoid getting involved in government missions (cure and stuff). My mission was to get into the most recluse parts and extract something I needed, the rakghouls where only there to give the place an eerie feeling (stealth ftw!) convincing me thta what I seeked most probably would have remained untouched for decennia.

I might have stayed longer in this intriguing urban jungle if I where into archaeology, scavenging or even biochem.


/Slicer Glom on Nar Shaddaa


I'm thinking we might get an extended flash point or some such. Maybe even a new series of bonus quests. If you peck around the zone boarders a pit you can in some zones see areas you can't access yet. So it might be the case we get a new set of level 50 bonus quests or somewhat.


Although the thought of the rakghoul plague spreading to Ord Mantel or Tyhon would be pretty cool!

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I would like to see something like Random Rakghoul invasions.


Lets say the Imps have Identified a derelict ship full of them and with tractor beams pushes to land on Coruscant. Or the flipside a ship of Republic scientists and troopers are transporting a Rak when it gets lose and infects the ship as a last ditch attempt to save them, a crewman hyper jumps but lands in Imperial occupied Tatooine. You could have this happen at random on any planet and have the hordes of them attack. while the world event is happening give a rotating mini-mission that deals with taking them out and increments kill 10, kill 50, kill 100, kill 500, kill 1000. There can be a temp power, that last as long as the invasion to give you temporary concealment to them if you wish not to be involved.

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