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Fix Marauder!


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I really have not had a bad experience playing a Marauder in a PvP environment. Rage spec is fantastic and I can easily get 6-8 medals per fight.



Are you constatnly que'ing solo? I usually don't step in warzones without at least one person I can role with. Even if it's not a healer it helps when you are constantly jumping into battle with someone else to take some of the attention away.


If you can't keep yourself alive with 3 shields, a gap closer, a 'break free' ability, a sprint, and a vanish maybe you need to re-evaluate your play style or perhaps try a new class entirely.


why should u have to have another person to que with to do well in pvp? having said that, unless the other team focuses me, I do fine. I do have trouble with operatives & scoundrels. All that kicking, backstabbing, then pushback, stun, kick again, backstab again, and i am dead.

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OP, what level are you? Marauders really seem to get better as you approach 50.


Also, know that Marauder is the hardest class to play in the game right now. If you're not using ALL of your abilities, and if you haven't read them carefully, then you won't be doing as well as you could. You really need to know when to use each one situationally, you CANNOT just do a simple rotation on this class or else you will have problems.


Lots of people post Marauder is underpowered threads, and I used to think they were right, but some people are doing very well with the class, and I'm getting better fast as I approach 50.


The talents you get deep in the tree in particular are really vital to your success in pvp.


Use Quinn if you're having trouble, and just do solo quests and space battles to level. Don't pvp until you're high level or expect to have a hard time.


If you're not game for that, then roll Juggernaut. Sorry.


If you think LVL 50 PVP Marauders aren't underpowered your terribly mistaken. Yea Marauders are cool when you're playing against *******. Marauders are a hard class to play. When you're playing against decent players / or people with brains.. Don't see how you think losing 50% hp for 5 sec damage reduction outperforms other classes that can bubble heal snare you, and after you force charge toss you away or stun you and then do all that good stuff again. Force camouflage is pretty sweet you get to run somewhere for 30% faster for 4 secs if you're not slowed already or you get to hide for 4 secs while everyone else can heal. Oh and if you're talking about you do well cause you got a team of guildies all healing you then yeah cool story but not everyone plays with friends or guildies.

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Wow you guys are clueless if you think the class is working as it should... Either that or you play an OP.....


I am level 50 and i have been for some time....I have full tier 2 pvp and pve gear. I really dont understand how you can even argue that our damage in pvp is gimped.....We cannot put out EVEN CLOSE to the burst that other dps classes can and lets face it....Sustainable dmg is NOT optimal for pvp thats strictly pve....Why is that so hard to grasp?


We have power techs who can not only nuke from far away but hit like *********** trucks...then u have the 6k critting stunning OP class OP, then u have mages who can just sit back and blow you up with ease....


Our damage in pvp is very minimal in terms of burst....and we cant stay alive very long in fights either....Our cooldowns do not last very long and that means that after what 10 seconds or so of blowing all of our cds we die? Is that survivability in pvp? Sure you can argue that it is.....ExCEPT for the fact that we hit like *****es in pvp .....So by the time we have done even half the dmg an OP has done we are dead.


Hell even a jugg smash on the ground does an instant 3k on me.....


One last thing.....Why in the **** bioware.... does kick not work in PVP....Honestly why do you give us a move that does pretty hefty damage and we cannot use it in pvp...I mean we are a melee class we are in fights constantly and we are nuked down by every class that has a *********** stun or some way to CC us until we are dead.


We basically cant pvp unless all our CDs are up and they are on long cool downs.



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I love the higher skill cap.


I love being able to 2 v 1.


I love owning people.


I feel like if they make us stronger then Marauders will turn into a "tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile" class.

(I hope not)


My opinion; leave them how they are, balance Operatives and Sorcerers.


Video in signature is me fresh at Level 50 with only 1 piece of PvP gear (38 expertise).


this video sucks *** completely.. the level 50s werent even in champion gear yet.. why dont you post the whole WZ and show exactly what goes on the entire match and show us why we dont need a buff and show us how long you can survive instead of posting some scrub kills. thanks.

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You are quite silly if you think Marauders are fine right now, I don't think we are a rogue with no stealth/burst, we are more like a fury Warrior in WoW without heavy armor or the ability to generate rage while getting beat on. Fury warriors can compete because the more damage they take the more damage they dish out, but marauders don't have that luxury.


I'd be much happier if they gave us a base talent that let us generate rage everytime we get hit or just increase our survivibility somewhat.


and why the hell don't we have Force Push? :(


ill take force push over a 90% blind that i still get hit by a sorc's lightning anyday

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I'll preface this by disclaiming that I'm not 50 yet; I'm only level 47. That said, I find Marauder's incredibly underpowered, and not because "herder you don't know how to play your class."


I think most of the problems with Marauder's and Juggo's have been addressed in this thread, so more to the point of solutions:


1.) Make smash have either a knockback/interrupt or 3-4 second stun component. I wouldn't even mind paying in spades with a damage reduction. At the very least make it comparable to Sorcerer force push **** (which is a bit ridiculous tbh).


2.) Make Ravage and Force Choke instant. Channeling this **** basically makes you susceptible to damage for the entire duration (3 seconds).


3.) Reduce the cooldown on Unleash by at least half. Everyone has the ability to stunlock me for an eternity, at least give me a way to mitigate that.


4.) Make Force Camo last 10 seconds instead of 4.


5.) Make Force Charge instant cooldown, but remove the rage build, damage, and/or stun component.


6.) Give Marauder's the ability to wear heavy armor.


Pick one. Any one. I think any of those solutions would solve most of the problems I experience in pvp. Right now I am basically just a tool to stun opponents once every 60 seconds while my teammates kill them.

Edited by Budizzle
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All the specs feel too clicky. WAY WAY too much setup. For instance the charged saber in Anni not only has to be refreshed every 15 seconds, we also must manage fury stacks, endless semi long CD's of damaging abilities ranging from 6 to 12 secs. This is all on top of managing rage generation, battering assault and our 3 main defensive CD's. This class is masochism incarnate and not my idea of having fun when I do everything right only to do piss poor damage.
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All the specs feel too clicky. WAY WAY too much setup. For instance the charged saber in Anni not only has to be refreshed every 15 seconds, we also must manage fury stacks, endless semi long CD's of damaging abilities ranging from 6 to 12 secs. This is all on top of managing rage generation, battering assault and our 3 main defensive CD's. This class is masochism incarnate and not my idea of having fun when I do everything right only to do piss poor damage.


I find it boringly simple.


I find Marauder's incredibly underpowered, and not because "herder you don't know how to play your class."




Quite honestly I've found a lot more posts that don't concern themselves with whether or not the poster himself knows how to play the class, are made by people who actually do know the class.


I think any of those solutions would solve most of the problems I experience in pvp.


I agree with some of these, not others(I like force charge as it is, especially as anni spec, same with smash). However, none of them are of such a magnitude to fix an "incredibly underpowered" class. If it really is so underpowered.

Edited by Sayc
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Basically the class is way harder to play and has way less useful CC than the other classes. Therefore average players on a Marauder will fail whereas they willl succeed on all the other classes that quite honestly have some specialization format that is chock full of "I win" buttons. I think that pretty much sums it up. Love my Marauder, but it isn't anything near as easymode as my Bounty Hunter, which is probably why I love to play the Marauder. Can a brother get a baseline stun though? C'mon man.
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I have played a marauder since beta, like many of the people in this thread.

I love it. I am quite upset though because we are nothing but target practice, we are the only melee class without ranged offensive skills. I know we have the saber throw that reduces the healing on the person it hits, and another saber throw if an opponent is less than 20% health, but come on even assassins have good ranged attacks.


Marauders cannot win a 1v1 duel unless they are lucky,(if my abilities actually trigger).

They can be kited stun locked and shot into oblivion. I know how to use my abilities and stack rage/fury, but no matter how I use my moves I cannot kill a healer or a tank in pvp gear.


Bioware should have added to our story mode that we have to live in fear of every class but ours in the game.

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I have played a marauder since beta, like many of the people in this thread.

I love it. I am quite upset though because we are nothing but target practice, we are the only melee class without ranged offensive skills. I know we have the saber throw that reduces the healing on the person it hits, and another saber throw if an opponent is less than 20% health, but come on even assassins have good ranged attacks.


Marauders cannot win a 1v1 duel unless they are lucky,(if my abilities actually trigger).

They can be kited stun locked and shot into oblivion. I know how to use my abilities and stack rage/fury, but no matter how I use my moves I cannot kill a healer or a tank in pvp gear.


Bioware should have added to our story mode that we have to live in fear of every class but ours in the game.


Taking down healers is one of the few things I do well.


First, you have to interrupt their heals every chance you get. This requires you to know which abilities of theirs are heals, and watch their cast bar. You have to know your interrupts, and use both of them when they're on cooldown.


The healing debuff from throw saber isn't enough, its almost not worth bothering with it. They can just heal through it.


Instead, interrupt them like crazy, stun them, and try to burst for all the dmg you can. Sometimes it takes longer than other times, but I kill healers regularly in 1v1 pvp.


Also, as for kiting, we are very, very prone to kiting. So you gotta know what you can do about it. I play Carnage, the class with the best responses to being kited.


Don't open with force charge, instead run up to them and save it for when you get knocked back. Especially in huttball, getting knocked off the walkways is awful.


If you get CC'd, and its a short CC, then just eat it and resist the urge to use unleash. Then, the next CC you get hit with, you can unleash, and now your resolve is 100% and you're CC immune for awhile. :D


The ability that applies a slow debuff (can't remember the name all of a sudden) is *EXTREMELY* useful. Spank EVERY person you're trying to kill with that ability first off. I can't stress enough what a game changer this is.


Then, use your abilities that immobilize or stun. Smash, Grip, (and since I"m Carnage) Ravage.


I end it all with a guaranteed crit force scream, and they go down. :)

Edited by miliways
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I have tried all three specs in PVP, it seems that I do the most with Annihilation, but could you post an ideal spec for carnage? I would really like to take down healers effectively, especially when fighting the republic. :-D thank you for your positive response.


I am getting extremely frustrated with the fact that any class can ignore me when I attack, and I do always start off with the slow, and I have my interrupt bound to my "E" key for fast use.


I cannot find a way either to use force kick, and pommel strike against players. I wait to see them light up, but I never see it.


Operatives destroy me with their sneak attacks and ground combo's, snipers knock me back and I cant jump at em, by the time I get close I'm dead.


Bounty hunters have an I win button+heals.


and the other classes are obvious.

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Wow you guys are clueless if you think the class is working as it should... Either that or you play an OP.....


I am level 50 and i have been for some time....I have full tier 2 pvp and pve gear. I really dont understand how you can even argue that our damage in pvp is gimped.....We cannot put out EVEN CLOSE to the burst that other dps classes can and lets face it....Sustainable dmg is NOT optimal for pvp thats strictly pve....Why is that so hard to grasp?


We have power techs who can not only nuke from far away but hit like *********** trucks...then u have the 6k critting stunning OP class OP, then u have mages who can just sit back and blow you up with ease....


Our damage in pvp is very minimal in terms of burst....and we cant stay alive very long in fights either....Our cooldowns do not last very long and that means that after what 10 seconds or so of blowing all of our cds we die? Is that survivability in pvp? Sure you can argue that it is.....ExCEPT for the fact that we hit like *****es in pvp .....So by the time we have done even half the dmg an OP has done we are dead.


Hell even a jugg smash on the ground does an instant 3k on me.....


One last thing.....Why in the **** bioware.... does kick not work in PVP....Honestly why do you give us a move that does pretty hefty damage and we cannot use it in pvp...I mean we are a melee class we are in fights constantly and we are nuked down by every class that has a *********** stun or some way to CC us until we are dead.


We basically cant pvp unless all our CDs are up and they are on long cool downs.


Sounds like you either A: dont use all your abilitys. B: use a spec not very good for pvp. Or C: just have no clue what your doing.


Marauders are not broken in fact you can still crit sorcs with no shield on for 7500 in one hit.


1 on 1 combat as a marauder is very easy an pretty much no class gives any trouble.

Edited by Furyofwar
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Noo marauder's don't do insane damage have 99% damage reduction, saber ward,and vanish herp derp stop clicking.

Obviously a sorc


Marauders are not broken in fact you can still crit sorcs with no shield on for 7500 in one hit.

Provided we have 700 expertise + stim and sorc is in green corellia gear. Oh and provided that we're not snared or knockbacked since Smash has pathetic range (I assume you're talking Smash 7.5k crit since no other skill warrior has is capable of pulling that number).

Edited by gibmachine
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If your struggling as a marauder the issue is you. Its currently the only class that benefits extremely well from a smart player using the character. Basically its not a Novice pvpers toon. It's very easy to make mistakes an put you in a situation where you look like a retard an get nuked down.


On the other hand. If played right. Majority of classes cant even attack you as you rip them to pieces in matters of seconds.

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Obviously a sorc



Provided we have 700 expertise + stim and sorc is in green corellia gear. Oh and provided that we're not snared or knockbacked since Smash has pathetic range (I assume you're talking Smash 7.5k crit since no other skill warrior has is capable of pulling that number).



If your unable to smash when in combat the issue isnt smash.

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If your struggling as a marauder the issue is you. Its currently the only class that benefits extremely well from a smart player using the character.

And suffers horribly when someone wants to play casually without going as far as world class piano virtuoso.


Like i said in different thread, while I find using 30+ keybinds actually fun and challenging, it's terribly bad design when one class has to perform absolutely perfectly if it wants to be ON PAR with other classes.


If your unable to smash when in combat the issue isnt smash.

Please, do teach me how to Smash properly when Unleash is on cd and you're stunned and slowed. Or even better, how to Smash properly when you're 2 stories below a sorc and also snared.

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And suffers horribly when someone wants to play casually without going as far as world class piano virtuoso.


Like i said in different thread, while I find using 30+ keybinds actually fun and challenging, it's terribly bad design when one class has to perform absolutely perfectly if it wants to be ON PAR with other classes.


In the end if it has the ability to perform at the same level as other classes it will not get buffed. They will not buff a class just cause majority of players cant use it right. It would unbalance the game for the players who use it right. So drastic buff is not going to happen.

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