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Post here if you've unsubscribed and list why!


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This thread is for posting why you have unsubscribed from this game! I'll start:


1. Lottery Bags


This gearing system is atrocious. A Valor 59 could have 0 pieces of Champion gear meanwhile a Valor 20 can be decked out. Just terrible design here, I mean honestly... shouldn't even have to be brought up. When I was told that is how you gear at first I sincerely thought the person who told me was joking around.


Make bags reward commendations only, but a greater number of them or increase the rate at which you can get bags outside of weeklies/dailies (which hardly update on wins - another issue altogether though)


2. Glaring Faction Imbalances


Ignoring the vast overpopulation of the Empire, Republic players have to deal with gross and glaring imbalances between "mirrored" classes and warzones. On Alderan the turrets start off pointing towards the Republic ship, thus Republic has to capture the first node a good 10 seconds before Empire captures their first node in order to win a match that boils down to a stalemate at the middle turret.


Secondly, there are some glaring class imbalances. Scoundrels being rooted on their stun for a good second and a half, Mortar Volley applying it's damage later than Death From Above, Project's damage applying later than the Inquisitor's equivalent. Bladestorm's damage applying later than Force Scream's.


3. Bugs, bugs everywhere!


Half of the warzone wins do not count towards the weekly or daily missions. This has been an issue for a month now. Unacceptable on Bioware's part that this hasn't been fixed. Does not even need to be stated how annoying this is.


Then, we have the crippling ability stuttering issue. Ever click an ability and it does half of the animation and nothing happens multiple times in a row? Sounds like you play The Old Republic, have fun. Oh, your Force Camo doesn't want to go off? Good luck.


Players can sit on top of the Huttball pedestal in the center and be invincible while holding the ball - and they can attack players to top it off! There are numerous other bugs involving charging on Huttball near the launch pads. Have fun in Hutball purgatory if you play a Knight or Warrior!


Last night, I encountered a bug on Void Star where we were winning, I died and respawned laying face down at the respawn area unable to move, /stuck did nothing and I was promptly afk booted out of the warzone. Thank you again Bioware.


After this recent patch, many people have horrible graphics tearing issues. Thank you Bioware.


4. Ilum is a gigantic piece of poo doo.


Play on Empire? Ilum is great, congrats on free Battlemaster you earned it by winning at the character creation screen. Play Republic? You have 3 options, reroll, quit pvp or quit the game. Ilum is laggy and favors the biggest zerg (gee I wonder who wins that battle). I built a new PC for this game and run at 80 fps+ except Ilum it's a laggy crap fest. I suggest making Ilum pop up every few hours and adding a queue to it of some sorts. Only way Republic can dream of participating.


Those are my main beefs with the game and it's why I've unsubscribed.

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This patch is really making me considering quitting with the ILUM changed. I cannot understand how this piece of garbage Ilum patch made it past their testing It is clear to me that the ppl making this game do not play video games they just make trash.
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i havent unsubscribed but imps camping the ilum base and destroying turrets over and over getting valor 100 in a day is sadly pathetic.


not to mention the complete lack of game optimization resulting in 1 fps and load screens while fighting......on a rig above minimum specs.

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Still wouldn't fix it, even if you had to queue and you capped how many of each faction could participate. It didn't fix Wintergrasp, and it won't fix this.


Even if Bioware was to implement an elegant, effective, and altogether masterful fix within the next week, the repercussions of feeding the faction imbalance in this way will be felt months from now.

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Reasons why we that are still subscribed give any kind of sht that you unsubscribed:











Couldn't think of a reason, I'll get back to ya...





You want to unsubscribe? Cool, but not a single person in the world cares.


You want to whine to make the game better because you still want to play? That's acceptable.

Edited by Wheelerific
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Reasons why we that are still subscribed give any kind of sht that you unsubscribed:











I'll get back to ya on this...





You want to unsubscribe? Cool, but not a single person in the world cares.


You want to whine to make the game better because you still want to play? That's acceptable.


I listed reasons why I and others are dissatisfied and possible solutions, fan boy.

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You want to unsubscribe? Cool, but not a single person in the world cares.


You want to whine to make the game better because you still want to play? That's acceptable.






Imperial player who only cares about himself.

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Reasons why we that are still subscribed give any kind of sht that you unsubscribed:











Couldn't think of a reason, I'll get back to ya...


You want to unsubscribe? Cool, but not a single person in the world cares.


You want to whine to make the game better because you still want to play? That's acceptable.


hey look its an imp

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Yet you still took the immature approach and labeled your thread as "I QUIT BAI"


I said to list reasons, you clearly lack reading comprehension. Go back to school, fan boy. Oh wait, you play Empire - odds are you are probably still in High School.

Edited by TheRealBrave
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1. The lack of attempt from the devs to ensure faction balance.


2. the obvious preference towards the empire: cooldowns, ability timings, like instant hit, and delayed hit.


3. lottery bags as mentioned.


4. serious lack of class balance. heavy armoured healer, with crazy damage output.


5. no response or attempts from the devs to remedy the points mentioned above.

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This is the PvP forums... This is *at best* a general discussion topic.


Honestly, if you want to discuss issues than do so in a constructive manor. The issues you addressed are already addressed elsewhere on these boards. The thing about "fanboi" posts is that they're typically most common on "whiner" threads.

Edited by Dymensia
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Reasons why we that are still subscribed give any kind of sht that you unsubscribed:











Couldn't think of a reason, I'll get back to ya...





You want to unsubscribe? Cool, but not a single person in the world cares.


You want to whine to make the game better because you still want to play? That's acceptable.


Glad someone else shares my point of view. If people want to whine and complain go ahead unsubscribe. Im sick of only seeing people moan and bi*** about this game. Well if you think the game sucks PLEASE leave, too easy! No game is going to fix everything on release. Do people not understand that this game has been out for less then 30days.... Bugs happen, problems occur, get over it. Im sure Bioware isnt just sitting back and NOT trying to do what majority of the people are saying needs fixed. Give em a break...

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I said to list reasons, you clearly lack reading comprehension. Go back to school, fan boy. Oh wait, you play Empire - odds are you are probably still in High School.


Random insults, intensely mature.


You still are taking the side that anyone cares what you have to say after you unsubscribe.


Once you are not paying money, you no longer get a say in the matter.


Read my first post again where I say that.


You being subscribed gives the words you say merit, the second you "UNSUBSCRIBE CYA! (back to wow i go)" we the still subscribed, don't have to listen to garbage that spews from the orifice in your face.

Edited by Wheelerific
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Random insults, intensely mature.


You still are taking the side that anyone cares what you have to say after you unsubscribe.


Once you are not paying money, you no longer get a say in the matter.


Read my first post again where I say that.


You being subscribed gives the words you say merit, the second you "UNSUBSCRIBE CYA! (back to wow i go)" we the still subscribed, don't have to listen to garbage that spews from the orifice in your face.


Really? Seems like I'm still posting and you're reading what I post. What you have to and have to not listen to is up to you, you're obviously still reading my "garbage". Gee, you're incredibly intelligent aren't you?

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This thread is evidence that we are products of a fast food society. Drop the fast food mentality guys. The game hasn't even been out a month. Dev's aren't perfect. If anything maybe this'll show them they need to pay more attention to the communities want's ,desires, cautions, etc.... AGAIN ITS BEEN ONE MONTH PEOPLE. You act as if it's been years of neglect and not being listened too or something.
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