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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please offer faction transfers


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I do a lot of PVP (or did before 1.1) and as a republic toon I can no longer enjoy this part of the game in any meaningful way.


All the zone in points on illum are camped by Imps, can not even get into the PVP area if I wanted to (not like I do, seeing there are no republic there and 50+ imps)


Have been PVPing in WZs for hours without a win (or a match that was even close) due to the gear disparity between the factions, which is only increasing now that republic can no longer complete dailies.


The first thing I would like to do if formally apologize to the Bioware team for picking republic. I had NO IDEA this was offensive to you and you didn't want anyone playing this faction. Had you said that on the box, I would have gladly picked Imp. There was no way to ruin the game experiences for me and force me to re-roll.


Now that you have done that, could I please get some kind of character transfer to the side you want people playing so all the time I wasted playing the "bad" faction is not lost?



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Greetings lexiekaboom,


Thank you for your suggestion. We always enjoy receiving feedback from our customers on how we can improve Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


In future please post your suggestions in the General Discussions forums.


Thank you for contacting us.

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Thanks for the reply.


It's not a suggestion, it's a customer service request.


I'm asking that, as a customer service consideration for people who's enjoyment of the game is negative impacted by a faction imbalance beyond their control are given an option other then "deal with it" and "start from nothing".


Like asking for a free month because a code issue made it so I couldn't play.


Is this not the correct place to do that?

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Sounds more like you are demanding they change your faction, because you ended up picking one that fails in pvp. Its not BW's fault that the players on that server all went IMPs and are tearing it up in pvp.


Its not like that on all servers, on my server (i am republic) we rarely lose.

Seems like the issue is the IMPs are just pvping more and getting more gear / more active with pvp then the Repubs on your server.

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