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LVL 50 PvP now ruined


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I've been on since servers came back online and haven't gotten a single warzone pop. Ilum daily is nearly impossible as well. Armaments are few and far between and all the repubs hate Ilum.


OMG, the sky is falling! Give it a rest. The server has been up for an hour and we already have people crying that pvp is ruined during off-peak times after a maintenance period. Grow up.

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The servers weren't even supposed to be up for another 40 minutes, my wager is most people haven't even tried to log on yet so...



calm down?


You should know by now that basic logic skills are not one of the strong suites of most of these forum complainers.

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IMO they should give a second option to que into non level 50s (as a 50) and the game acts as if no player has expertise unless using that 30 second stim thing.


NO, no thank you please.

I am tired of 50 premades steamrolling a bunch of grays for easy commendations and valor.


A single 50 can take on about 4 non 50s in a warzone. And it takes that many or more to take them down.

Edited by Fraxture
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I've been on since servers came back online and haven't gotten a single warzone pop. Ilum daily is nearly impossible as well. Armaments are few and far between and all the repubs hate Ilum.


AAAAAWWWW someone can't get warzones with lowbies anymore and feel awesome...

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IMO they should give a second option to que into non level 50s (as a 50) and the game acts as if no player has expertise unless using that 30 second stim thing.


Well that's interesting. Wasn't the complaint that level 50's needed their own bracket? And now the 50's want back in with the non-50's?

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Well that's interesting. Wasn't the complaint that level 50's needed their own bracket? And now the 50's want back in with the non-50's?


The 50s complaint was obviously from everyone getting steam rolled, not the steam rollers......................................


I'm just saying if their que ends up taking too damn long, they could add another option in.


Also OP since you seem to have little to no knowledge of what expertise is


•Expertise – Expertise increases the amount of damage and healing you do as well as reduces the amount of damage you take in PvP combat. This is a stat that appears on every PvP set.

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Wow a lot of responses really fast and haters/flamers already popping in to voice their useless opinions.


Before 1.1 warzones were perfectly ok with the 10-50 range, I loved PvP'ing before lvl 50. I got queues like crazy, may of just been huttball but it was still competitive. Hour or so in I still haven't seen a warzone and I'm 10/30 into my Ilum quest.

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The lag in Illum is really no surprise, it will get better by time tho, just staying out of the zone for now, problem solved. To many haters/flamers around.


As far as the warzones go for 50/50 players, I think queue times will get better as more people hit 50. Its still early, considering the game is only 4 weeks old. I have complete trust in EA/Bioware, I just think they should be given some time to address things.


There is always 2 steps forward and 1 step back with patches, this is not a new thing.

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It will get better over the next few weeks but seriously, dont ruin it for the guys that got 50 in this short time. I loved playing in the morning because I am REALLY slow at work and I still have my evenings without SWTOR. Subscription has been marked as non re-subscribe for now.
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There is apparently a timer on each kill to. We've been trying to figure it out in Ilum but we can't seem to get the repubs to farm us because if they kill one of us multiple times, they dont get credit after the first.


PvP as a primary reason to play has gone out the door for the time being. Weeks or maybe months down the road it may be possible again. Gooodbye SWTOR, PvE blows

Edited by oldmanblast
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50's whining that they can't faceroll anymore.... really made me laugh.


Grow a pair and l2p. That's all I can say...


Incoming : 500 whiner threads about wait times. 50's want to farm medals on lowbies... I'm gonna laugh hard in warzones now, no more doing 100 crits on battlemaster geared 50's. Finally some balance.


Seriously, though, 50's, just go to Ilum and rush to rank 60 valor, problem solved.

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