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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So, is that it for the day?


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Aye, but it was translated from Reids post, meaning that they may have added that.


They posted this on twitter for the Third wave...

SWTOR The Old Republic

The third wave of Early Game Access emails have been sent, one more to go today!

3 hours ago


So its done for the day... stop reading into it :p

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Yes. I will admit I'm reaching for some hope because I'm in Hawaii and the first waves come at 4am and ended at 8am basically. It feels like the wait for the next day is so long. There still is no post on whether 8am est is the 1st wave tomorrow though from what I've seen even though the last wave supposedly happened.
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I am on one of the EU servers right now and it's far from full. There are only two instances of Thyton at the moment. Less than 200 people total in Jedi starting planet.


You have absolutely no clue how many people are on any server at any given time. Please stop pretending that you do.


And no, any friends you might have playing don't know either.

Edited by iain_b
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