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Anni PvP Build


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Most people will say rage for pvp, I personally like annihilation though. Both are valid pvp builds.


What I'm currently using is something like: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrRrfGzZzzZ0M.1


Your first question is probably directed at the 0 points in dual wield, I removed them and really didn't notice a damage difference. With 1 point in defensive forms and 2 in short fuse you should have no problem keeping your fury stacks up, use berserk to burst people down, predation to run or chase.


Also don't disregard the healing that your crit bleeds can do, I average out at 80k healing per warzone


@ your build:

- missing 2 points in stagger, 1 second snare helps melee out a lot.

- Defensive roll is also not necessary, as most of the AOE's in this game suck.

(If Defensive roll was a first tier skill, I might consider it. but seeing as you have to spec 7 points into carnage to get it, not worth it.)

- Your defensive forms: preference really, I like 2 in short fuse and 1 in defensive forms. The other way around should work fine though. Use sweeping slash with any left over rage you have to fill up your fury stacks


But.. if you are still a low level marauder, consider rerolling juggernaut. All of the "wanna-be pro" marauders will say: marauders are good you just suck.

Any good marauder would do twice as good in pvp if they were a juggernaut

Edited by vinviper
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I would take the 2 points out of phantom and place them into stagger so that force charge roots for 3 seconds instead of 2, and take 2 points out of seeping wound and put it into subjugation and short fuse since you have a better snare that slows for more and longer.


I think defensive rolls could be worth it since rage juggs/mara's will do less damage against you same goes for the Jedi equivilant.

Edited by Daralis
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