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Republic Boycott of Ilum!


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I guess your no Spartan.......TONIGHT WE DINE IN......The Force


Haha brilliant


PS: Wowsa at the imbalance oh well Warzones it is. I Don't mind really the imbalance on illum its the valor farming that will annoy me the most.


Random loot bags are already bad enough but jeeeez its not like theres enough fully kitted in battlemaster gear Sith already xD.


Gimme full set of battlemaster as fast and i wont moan about too many imps

Me will eat zhem RAWR!

Edited by Rubberduckman
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I see. So this is ment when people state that the Imps are just better PvP players. Take a good look, superior skillz in action.


Oh yeah, I totally see guerillia tactics working here.. In the first pic you could very well just retreat. In the second, you could retreat and in the third one you could.. well.. retreat. Very fast.

Edited by Cylide
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Legion of Lettow


80-90 imperial players in the center hub against 20 (ops group) republics.


I had an average of 3.5 fps


My PC setup :


Intel I7 2600K

8gb Corsair Dominator

AMD ATI 6990

Kingston SSD (Win7+SWTOR)


Seriously.. this is impossible.


I wanna see someone playing this game on their recomended minimum spec:

Minimum Specs


Operating System


Star Wars ™: The Old Republic ™ can be played on Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, or Windows 7.




Your computer should have an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better, and an Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 2.0GHz or better.




Your computer's RAM should be as follows: for Windows XP: 1.5GB, and for Windows Vista and Windows 7: 2GB. For PCs using a built-in graphical chipset, 2GB RAM recommended.




Your computer's graphics card should be ATI X1800 or better, nVidia 7800 or better, or Intel 4100 Integrated Graphics or better.


-Taken from Bioware official page/ looks like a april joke

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My boycott consisted of hitting the 'Cancel Subscription' button. Unfortuantely that is theonly language Bioware/EA will listen to.


It wasn't even the imbalance that affected me more since I can deal with that by picking my fights carefully. The BIGGEST issue is the announcement that flashes across the screen to indicate where I am whenever I get near a base. What were the devs smoking to implement that?

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I've been killed by republic plenty of times. Yea you will likely eventually be overwhelmed in most fights as the imps zerg in, but there will be all new spawn zones etc. I have an idea, instead of pressing the easy button and quitting, you can employ a strategy used by many armies across the world throughout history when greatly outnumbered (See britains many invasions into france)


Pick a point, pick off stragglers, stay grouped up and fight, try and be on the move as much as possible. There is not much imp coordination going on in Ilum and it takes forever to travel most places. you can likely kill quite a few of the impatient peeps that zerg right into the point you just took. You can stay and eventually be overwhelmed (while getting more than enough kills to finish quests) and just move to a different point to repeat or you can pick off as many as possible and move on to the next spot.


Basically, quitting because its too hard will solve nothing. There is always a way to get things done. Any real army that quits in the field loses and dies and it will not be much different for you if you do it.


Those tasty repair bills from getting it with no lube at all from the imperial zerg hoard aren't anything to sneeze at either. It's kind of absurd how the planet has been changed to LOLURDED from what was at least a mutually beneficial system.

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How about instead of some of the suggestions to make the weaker population side more effective by bolstering them that instead make the valor system give better valor reward to the less populated side. Make it a dynamic effect so that if the side with the bonuses comes in full force and finds an even fight once in a blue moon that both sides get normal rewards. But if a group of daring rebels decide to dive headlong into the zerg that what damage they do manage to do to the mob pays off.
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I see. So this is ment when people state that the Imps are just better PvP players. Take a good look, superior skillz in action.

So you are halfway done with your weekly on the first day hmmmmm... Less QQ more pewpew

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My boycott consisted of hitting the 'Cancel Subscription' button. Unfortuantely that is theonly language Bioware/EA will listen to.


It wasn't even the imbalance that affected me more since I can deal with that by picking my fights carefully. The BIGGEST issue is the announcement that flashes across the screen to indicate where I am whenever I get near a base. What were the devs smoking to implement that?


To keep people from being stealth afk is my guess.

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How about instead of some of the suggestions to make the weaker population side more effective by bolstering them that instead make the valor system give better valor reward to the less populated side. Make it a dynamic effect so that if the side with the bonuses comes in full force and finds an even fight once in a blue moon that both sides get normal rewards. But if a group of daring rebels decide to dive headlong into the zerg that what damage they do manage to do to the mob pays off.



This is at least a thought in the right direction, some incentive to the underdog.


I have always loved a good challenge and have played as a combat medic or pvp healer for many years in a number of games starting with SWG and the thrill of going up against 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 odds with a group has always been fun although I never have understood the opponents desire to name call and emote a bunch of bs upon our final defeat as they were almost certain to win given the numbers and skill was usually not the reason for there win but I do not understand the reason for rewarding the faction with the greater numbers and offering even less of a reason for the outnumbered faction to participate.


I remember the first time I set foot on Ilum and went out to do my daily with a friend and thought I don't get it, what is the purpose of a pvp zone where the other faction basically needs us to do there dailies but after a few days of doing them and noticing more and more of the other faction I was glad that this type of relationship existed. Aside from the few times when one of the imps that had completed his or her daily would come over to to interrupt us from doing ours followed by a much larger group resulting in our quick deaths we would at least be able to res up ride back out and finish then get off planet to Que up for dailies without an endless gankfest but now there is little reason to bother.


I absolutely love pvp and as I said earlier I don't mind being the underdog and slightly outnumbered but I wont waste my time being farmed with the little time that I have to play each night just so that an already outnumbered faction can gear and valor up even more quickly than they already do.


As far as boycotting Ilum goes will it really matter? all they will have to do is loot the 30 items and they still finish the daily so its still a win win.


Come up with a reason or some incentive for me to want to go through that aggravation otherwise I just don't see the point.

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No it doesn't fix the fundamental flaws with ilum.


Problems with ilum:


1. base switching

->Bases/points once fixed or capped should be perma capped for a length of time

2. benefits of keeping

->holding the whole map should give a buff kept through death to the people who captured it for a length of time

3. server balance

->to prevent server imbalances and "zerg" rushes, they should limit the amount of one side into the zone, or bolster the side that is not as populated

4. reason to stay in the zone

->add valuable nodes to get like slicing or bioanalysis or whatever. this gives an incentive to stay in the zone instead of just doing your dailies and leaving.


Until these are addressed, ilum will forever be useless, and soon empire will come crying that there's no republic to kill because republic gave up trying to do ilum.


This, a hundred times. Bioware, there you have your Ilum patch notes for 1.2

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These Ilum changes are yet another indicator of how inexperienced BioWare is with MMOs. It's a shame. These changes hurt both sides here on most servers it seems. Lack of Republic to kill due to pop and boycott, Republic zerged on site not getting kills. Terrible change all around. BioWare really needs some help with their PVP teams.
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