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So you want to play a mercenary


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Remember that you are not really supposed to kill people like flies in 1v1. A mercenary is basically a heavily armoured turret. If they do try to attack you, they will die because you have been playing smart and are standing in a position with good backup. If you do find yourself in a 1v1 you have a spec that makes you do high crits and good kiting to a defensive position. Have crit over 30%, aim a tad over 100%, some nasty surge, shield for cc, instant vent heat, instant railshots and you will be MUCH more harder to kill.


But basically you are the person who has the best overview of the battleground, you know when and where the enemy will hit and know where to stand so you will have the best kiting possibility. Most important: You will never, ever run around in an open field. Try and think of yourself as being one of the turrets on Illum. Always the closest person to the base.


ps: remember to pick up all of the strength datacrons for the final defensive punsh:D

Edited by bloodspatter
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Remember that you are not really supposed to kill people like flies in 1v1. A mercenary is basically a heavily armoured turret. If they do try to attack you, they will die because you have been playing smart and are standing in a position with good backup. If you do find yourself in a 1v1 you have a spec that makes you do high crits and good kiting to a defensive position. Have crit over 30%, aim a tad over 100%, some nasty surge, shield for cc, instant vent heat, instant railshots and you will be MUCH more harder to kill.


But basically you are the person who has the best overview of the battleground, you know when and where the enemy will hit and know where to stand so you will have the best kiting possibility. Most important: You will never, ever run around in an open field. Try and think of yourself as being one of the turrets on Illum. Always the closest person to the base.


ps: remember to pick up all of the strength datacrons for the final defensive punsh:D




..... Why?


Troopers can do as much damage, have better midigation.


Sorcs can outdamage us AND out heal us in the same match. Not to metion they are very usefull in hutball.


OP's can out burst damage us, and have survivaility we would die for.


so.... basically you are saying we are subpar.. and learn to live with it.



We do great vs lowbies, noob players that never use LOS, healing or interupts. But against smart players we fold hard. Interupt a ars merc when he is casting tracer missle and you've basically wrecked him.


I like that your an optimist. That's great. Make the best of a bad .

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Let me fix this for you :)


Merc Arsenal:


You're the person the melee classes target first because auto-turn doesn't always work if the target is jumping ontop of your char and you're easily locked down due to being prone to interupts.


Overview? What overview?!?! you're a magnet for incoming fire, you're the center of action apart from the objectives within the warzone.


The enemy team also knows that if they leave you alone, you'll wreck havoc if properly geared.

Keywords: gear + 400 biochem along with high surge + power stats and a pockethealer or two.


And did I mention you have sucky mobility with high cooldown on your instants?


But yeah.. good try!

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