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Need help with FOCUS rotation


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i've played watchman dring beta and made my char a watchman while leveling. I'm at rank 58 and i'm becoming a little bored with it, so i want to test FOCUS and COMBAT.


I'm starting with FOCUS but i can't seam to make up a rotation.


Too used to Force Leap not costing anything and talented to very close range. I don't have mercyless strike, so i'm a bit clueless.


Sould i still use cauterize?


Any imput is welcome, but please don't just reply with go back the watchman, i understand (from reading that is the best pvp tree, but i'm bored and want to try stuff out)

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Cauterize is a waste of a GCD for a focus sent imo.


Usually my fights go like this:

Force Leap -> Force exhaustion -> Zealous strike (or blade storm if my focus is high enough) -> Force Sweep -> (Blade storm if it's up)

Then until force exhaustion is up, I just **** around with master strike and force stasis and pray that my opponents are stupid. If I'm lucky and manage to build up some singularity with stasis I use zealous leap and another sweep. If stasis and exhaustion are both on cd I can dump extra focus in slashes, but usually I find my time better spent snaring people down and being generally annoying.

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Focus is really complicated, and by far the most versatile.


Are you asking for pve or pvp?


In pvp of course, everything will be situational.

You have many power hitters.

Exhaust is your bread and butter. Both highest damage move, and nasty slow.

In pvp, Zstrike. be careful with using sweep. Make sure your target already burned any KB.

Bladestorm, stasis.


Caut is very good for you too. it gains from the force surge. So use on stealthers. and before a stasis.


You'll probably want to keep 100% trans up in pvp.

While, the option to zen for free focus when tapped out, or wanting to add uber aoe dps with slash spam. Two standing close will take a ton of damage from that.


In pve, exhaust, then sweep IMMEDIATELY. exhaust over the full duration will tick 6 times, so using sweep right away will hit for 3-4 charges, and allow it to tick 2-3 more times for your next sweep 9s later, while exhaust has an 18s cd.

Use stasis in your dps rotation. it does good damage with 30% surge, and force crit%

It ticks 4 times. something overlooked.



Most of focus's damage is force. this is important to note. As you gain just as much damage from will as str with them. While, not a stat to focus on. This means you get good gains from will datacrons. 1-2% force crit alone from will. and the sage +5% stat buff is double dipping will and str for force attacks.

This is also why cauterize is good, it scales with force. It is better then a buffed slash even.

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Here's mine


Force Leap -> force exhaustion -> zelous strike -> force sweep ->master strike/blade storm -> stasis -> zelous leap (or other way around, meaning z. leaqp first then stasis, doesn't really matter) -> force sweep -> zen -> 1 or 2 times slash -> f. ex -> z. leap/f. leap -> sweep


this is usually my combo in a longer fights (meaning warzones and such)


also if the target starts running it is good idea to use f. camouflage because it's best to f. sweep when you're on the target

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I'll do:


Force Leap (+3) -> Force Exhaustion (-3) -> Zealous Strike (+6) -> Sweep (-1) -> Stasis (+3) -> Zealous Leap (-3) -> Sweep (-1)


Throw in a Blade Storm/Slash/Master Strike, and there you go. If they're close to death I'll do Dispatch just because of the :cool:-factor.

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Focus is really complicated, and by far the most versatile.


Are you asking for pve or pvp?


In pvp of course, everything will be situational.

You have many power hitters.

Exhaust is your bread and butter. Both highest damage move, and nasty slow.

In pvp, Zstrike. be careful with using sweep. Make sure your target already burned any KB.

Bladestorm, stasis.


Caut is very good for you too. it gains from the force surge. So use on stealthers. and before a stasis.


You'll probably want to keep 100% trans up in pvp.

While, the option to zen for free focus when tapped out, or wanting to add uber aoe dps with slash spam. Two standing close will take a ton of damage from that.


In pve, exhaust, then sweep IMMEDIATELY. exhaust over the full duration will tick 6 times, so using sweep right away will hit for 3-4 charges, and allow it to tick 2-3 more times for your next sweep 9s later, while exhaust has an 18s cd.

Use stasis in your dps rotation. it does good damage with 30% surge, and force crit%

It ticks 4 times. something overlooked.



Most of focus's damage is force. this is important to note. As you gain just as much damage from will as str with them. While, not a stat to focus on. This means you get good gains from will datacrons. 1-2% force crit alone from will. and the sage +5% stat buff is double dipping will and str for force attacks.

This is also why cauterize is good, it scales with force. It is better then a buffed slash even.


i thank everyone for their input and especially MBirkhofer, I've read stuff you've wrote before and i find you very knowledgeable and assertive,

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