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Are Jedi Sages Cheat Healing To Farm Medals In PvP?


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In my balance/TK spec i grab the 2.5 and 5k heal medal at the start of every match, just use my relic and it crits for 5.2-5.7 every time.


Now as far as getting outhealed by someone doing the noble sacrifice spam, it just isn't going to happen. It's impossible. If you're trying to get high numbers while healing you need to stick with the group. In a good game of voidstar(good as in a long match, where both sides are fighting very hard) it's not uncommon for me to heal for 500-600k+, you just have to be aware of whats going on around you, and be mindful of where you're standing.



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People who do noble sacrifice spam are mostly just bored as I often saw on Alderaan wz. They guard one side, nothing to do so hey why not spam heal ourselves. Then again, tanks can just throw guards on healers and get 3 medals in 10 secs, while we only aim for 5k and 75k heal medals - which you can get easily anyway if you go with the attacking party. If you play your class right, doubt a sage can outheal you by that massive difference...
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Pardon my ignorance but doesn't force shield count against healing?


No, it counts AS healing. That's how you'll see DPS sages get the 75k medal from time to time.


That's also why towards the end of game I sometimes will tap heal for a couple extra thousand to get the medal. No point in doing 65k healing and not getting the extra medal after all.

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No, it counts AS healing. That's how you'll see DPS sages get the 75k medal from time to time.


That's also why towards the end of game I sometimes will tap heal for a couple extra thousand to get the medal. No point in doing 65k healing and not getting the extra medal after all.


That's what I meant - but someone in the thread claimed it doesn't count :)

"against" was a bad choice of word on my part..

Edited by Kyomih
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I play a 50sage atm with a decent amount of pvp gear (10.04% pvp bonus) and the only time i've exceeded 500k is if I'm using a lot of my aoe heal... when fighting over the central node in alderaan or trying keep up someone taking the door whilst stunning attackers its a good time to drop


other than those instances I usually hit around 250k-350k per game if I'm productive....

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Tried "cheat healing" myself yesterday in Alderaan, I was guarding left cap all alone the entire match while my team mates were busy winning us the WZ by holding mid :)


I'm in half champ / quarter centurion / quarter columni gear with 9.44% expertise. My healing is around 250-350k with a standing record of 472k in full duration Voidstar (SS: http://i.imgur.com/JGE7b.jpg)


Overall i had around 155k healing (no SS to prove it though, slipped my mind to take one -.-)


I got 5 medals in the process:

- 2.5k heal

- 5k heal

- 1k defender points

- 3k defender points

- 75k overall healing


IMO the only useful "cheat" is leaving spawn point with half health and before engaging combat (and getting the -30% self debuff) critting one heal on yourself for 2.5k & 5k medal. I think you have to be 50 for that though - otherwise you wouldn't be able to heal as much.


Biochemists can't do that anymore though after 1.1 and nerf to Rakata med pack.

Edited by alanos
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Since you're sage is only level 26 you don't have Salvation which is an AOE heal ability. You might not even have Healing Trance yet. A higher level sage could easily blow you out of the water just because they have access to more and better healing abilities than you do. I wouldn't sweat it.
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Ah I see.


But yea, it definitely counts as healing.


I am pretty sure it only counts for healing if it gets eaten up by damage. If it just falls off a character due to time elapse then you do not get healing credit, which is as it should be.

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Yeah... I don't do this, and I get about 500K + healing on a good voidstar game, and occasionally on a really intense civil war game...


If people are spaming their life tap just to get more healing done... they obviously aren't contributing as much as they could be to the overall game...

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Aha, if only it were that easy. The juggernaut with 700k damage is proof enough of exactly HOW much damage was going around in that warzone. And a good chunk of it was on me. One does not simply walk into void star and get 750k heals.
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I admit to doing it just for the 2 healing badges at the start of warzones. The only way as a dps that I can hit the 5k heal medal is popping a surge trinket and getting a crit. So I'll do it as soon as we are unleashed. Then it's off to blow some people up and try to win.
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This is not causing them to top the charts...lol


I regularly do 500k+ healing in WZ's as a Sage and I have never used the technique you are referring to. I see other do it and it is not worth the time or effort. Usually they are doing it to get the 2.5k or 5k healing medal, as it amounts to very little healing in the grand scheme of things.


Are you assuming that because they outheal you that it has to be a exploit?

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If i do it its usualy to grab the 5k healing medal. Othervise it seem quite unproductive / boring and a poor way to farm medals.


How do you guys get the 5k medal. I am a Sage with full champ gear and cannot get my crit to hit 5k, even with the expertise stim. Do you need some bm gear to get it.

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Any sages know how to get the 5k medal, i could really use it in WZ's. Is there some trick because my big heal never crits for that much?


I get it by having a high surge rating and going for the 5k medal out of combat. While out of combat the pvp healing reduction is turned off.

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To get the 5k healing medal I'll tap down to about 30% life and then before entering combat I'll burn Force Potency and either my Rakata Surge Adrenal or my Rakata Power Adrenal stacked with the Rakata Stim and my self buff.


I also use the time at the start to analyze what my team is doing. If there's one guy heading west on Alderaan and the rest middle I'll help the west guy. Look around for a good vantage point in Huttball and to decide which side to go towards in Voidstar. Staying back those extra 10 seconds helps me not be the focal target and get nuked down as well.

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I never heal in a wz match with my dps sage, but I always hit 75k healing and 2.5k and 5k single heal. 2.5k, 5k: Force Potency, Columi relic which gives power, Deliverance. In a full Champion gear it's easy. 75k: I never heal, but I put bubbles on my teammates. Demage absorbed by Force Armor counts as heal!
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