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Alien Races tied to Legacy system (suggestion)


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I would like to suggest to Bioware that for the upcoming Legacy feature. A few new alien types be made available for players. For example.


Legacy level 5 - Trandoshan, Nikto (BH/Smugg), Nautolan (jed) , Kel Dor (jedi)


Legacy level 10 - Kaleesh, Cathar, Rodian (all classes?)


Legacy level 15- Falleen, Voss (?)


These alien types above can speak galactic basic, and use the current voiceovers without any issues and without looking silly or ridiculous. The Star Wars feel in this game needs work, I think part of the issue is Bioware reluctance to give us customibility or any unqiueness to our characters. Bioware has always had a thing for not allowing the player to be anything but human or very near human. This is Star Wars, Bioware your gonna have to let go of whatever it is that is holding you back.

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unfortunately I formatted my post on why races such as trandoshans aren't ingame. So for now I'll just highlight the keypoints.


Certain races require all new dialogue just for their race because they differ so far mentally from the races already ingame. Not to mention it would break lore to see 50 million togruta players or 50 million Trandoshans when they aren't exactly the most common races.

Edited by truedark
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You have Nautolan but no Togruta? Shame on you.


And I'd have to say No to Voss, it's just too human (just another palette swapped human, like the ratataki, chiss, miraluka, mirialan and cyborgs).


Though tying new species to legacy system...I think it was hinted/suggested before and people were upset about needing to beat/grind out the game first in order to unlock them. Don't think it was too popular an idea at the time.

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unfortunately I formatted my post on why races such as trandoshans aren't ingame. So for now I'll just highlight the keypoints.


Certain races require all new dialogue just for their race because they differ so far mentally from the races already ingame. Not to mention it would break lore to see 50 million togruta players or 50 million Trandoshans when they aren't exactly the most common races.


Thats why they would unlock with the legacy system. Fewer players would want to re roll the same class again just to get a new race. This encourages players to instead try the other classes. And humans will always be the most common...they were in SWG, and STO.

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You have Nautolan but no Togruta? Shame on you.


And I'd have to say No to Voss, it's just too human (just another palette swapped human, like the ratataki, chiss, miraluka, mirialan and cyborgs).


Though tying new species to legacy system...I think it was hinted/suggested before and people were upset about needing to beat/grind out the game first in order to unlock them. Don't think it was too popular an idea at the time.


Togruta could be possible too,


I thought Voss would be cool for Jedi Consulars, they have that mystic feel. Even if they are a reskin...they look cool, unique eyes and a swirly skin tone that looks trippy..they are far cooler than Mirilians or Miralukas.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I agree on those races for unlock through the Legacy feature, but how about having droid as a race to play as. As i remember there was a quest on Balmora where you had to either repair a droid that had some serve damage and another droid that had some faulty programing. Ea, Bio-ware could make part of the back story based off that quest to a degree and say that republic/empire scientist honed some of the programing from those droids and were able to make more sophisticated version of those droids. Just a thought. :cool:
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The fact that all the playable races are just reskinned humans, with 3 exceptions is just lazy and uncreative. The story is cool and all, but it shouldn't be holding the game back. It's Star Wars, for crying out loud! The only species I see on EITHER faction is human. Why would anyone play bald grey human reskin when it's just like a normal human, only grey and with worse customization. Ditto green human, and blue human, and blind human, and partially mechanical human. Human with horns is moderately more interesting. Kudos on the Sith, they're pretty neat. Twi'lek was a total airball, though. No hoods, helmets hide the lekku, and the lekku can't even be arranged differently over the shoulders and around the neck.


Does anyone honestly care if you break canon to make a trandoshan or gand speak basic? You added chiss even though they weren't incorporated into Galactic Society until years after the fall of the Galactic Empire. The few chiss that were around wouldn't justify them being a playable species, as there just weren't that many of them. It was an easy reskin, though. If you're gonna be retconning or ignoring cannon for an easy reskin, why not retcon races that can't speak basic into basic speakers? Or just ignore canon entirely? Don't cite canon (which you're willing to break when it's convenient) for not adding races that would require reskinning of armour head slots and etc. You wouldn't even need to do THAT. You didn't for twi'lek, why do it for other alien races?


Call laziness what it is. Don't spend effort trying to justify it. Address the concern honestly (in a way that is consistent with what you've already done), but don't say that it would screw up the story.



The current races are boring reskins of human. Story < Customization in an MMO. Don't make and MMO if the most important aspect is the story, make KOTOR 3!

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I was kinda expecting new species to be added as part of legacy but given the comment on the Q@A for 10/02 it doesn't look like it will happen.


However I would love to see



Mon Cal


As just a few and as we are having to unlock them I think they should be put into every class where it makes sence. It would be silly given the story line for a Mon Cal Sith warrior but I cant think of many other classes they would not be able to fit into.

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The fact that all the playable races are just reskinned humans, with 3 exceptions is just lazy and uncreative. The story is cool and all, but it shouldn't be holding the game back. It's Star Wars, for crying out loud! The only species I see on EITHER faction is human. Why would anyone play bald grey human reskin when it's just like a normal human, only grey and with worse customization. Ditto green human, and blue human, and blind human, and partially mechanical human. Human with horns is moderately more interesting. Kudos on the Sith, they're pretty neat. Twi'lek was a total airball, though. No hoods, helmets hide the lekku, and the lekku can't even be arranged differently over the shoulders and around the neck.


Does anyone honestly care if you break canon to make a trandoshan or gand speak basic? You added chiss even though they weren't incorporated into Galactic Society until years after the fall of the Galactic Empire. The few chiss that were around wouldn't justify them being a playable species, as there just weren't that many of them. It was an easy reskin, though. If you're gonna be retconning or ignoring cannon for an easy reskin, why not retcon races that can't speak basic into basic speakers? Or just ignore canon entirely? Don't cite canon (which you're willing to break when it's convenient) for not adding races that would require reskinning of armour head slots and etc. You wouldn't even need to do THAT. You didn't for twi'lek, why do it for other alien races?


Call laziness what it is. Don't spend effort trying to justify it. Address the concern honestly (in a way that is consistent with what you've already done), but don't say that it would screw up the story.



The current races are boring reskins of human. Story < Customization in an MMO. Don't make and MMO if the most important aspect is the story, make KOTOR 3!







Well said sir!

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  • 8 months later...
unfortunately I formatted my post on why races such as trandoshans aren't ingame. So for now I'll just highlight the keypoints.


Certain races require all new dialogue just for their race because they differ so far mentally from the races already ingame. Not to mention it would break lore to see 50 million togruta players or 50 million Trandoshans when they aren't exactly the most common races.


I think that most of the players will still play human...

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