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Nobody likes spending their time being stunned/mezzed/locked down


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@ OP c'mon its not that bad. If you die while stunned you were about to be rolled by that group of 3 or 4 anyway


Unless its one of those OP operatives but I dont blame the stun! I blame the 5k backstab


The opening knockdown/stun of operative, even if CC broken, still renders you helpless for those few seconds because of the ongoing player animation of laying on the ground, still getting attacked, and getting up off the ground. The animation is going on for longer than it should after breaking CC.

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looking at the immense burst and fancy dps dealing people wana dish out i admit, i like those stuns and the resolve concept. cause otherwise it comes down to simple hack and slah and with this system you have to time your stund and cc and have much more opportunities to safe a mate from being slaughtered.
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Dont take them out.


If it was a solo game then yeah would make sense, but I like to use my stuns on the healer thats close by or the operative who opened on my friend. Would suck if I cant cc people for a few seconds. As the guy before said it would turn this into a hack and slash game and remove one of the better tactical elements that can seperate a good player from bad.


Just sucks to be stunned and dead without doing anything when you have no healer around lol.

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Here's an idea. CC's of all forms are lessened by a % of time based on your % of Resolve. Therefore, if you get stunned and you break out, only to be stunned again, the first stun would have put your resolve up to 50 - 75%, so the second stun has 50 - 75% of its duration removed... thus a 4 sec stun would be brought down to 1-2 seconds.


Really nice idea

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The shear amount of stuns has stopped me from pvping and to consider unsubbing.


Resolve does not work, the break ability has a 2 min CD while all stuns have a CD of 45 secs or less.


AoE stuns is the biggest joke of all, I have flash bang a group which stunned 5 players for 8 seconds.

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Devil's Advocate here, CC is needed because otherwise many classes which rely on them would have to be buffed in either defense or damage dealing to not be useless and I am sure as hell you don't want to ranged have like 50% extra damage and/or melee/tank grade defensive cooldowns.


Other than that CC adds a lot of tactical play into the game, which allows personal skill to be as much of a factor as a pure brute force.


DPS classes are designed to mirror each other albeit sometimes with a 5-10% difference with no regard for CC/healing/wtfever.


It doesn't matter, DPS in SWToR is just that, DPS. They're not 'nerfed' in damage because they can CC.

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