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I laugh at any Sorc/sage i PVP against


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I play a shield specced vanguard. Nearly every fight against a sorc goes something like this.


1. I harpoon them to me

2. I attack for a sec and they bounce me back

3. They CC me

4. They use some channeled lightning attk

5. I use my CC break

6. I storm up to them interupting them

7. They channel again

8. i use my normal interupt

9. they try casting again

10. i cryo grenade them

11. they stand there dumbfounded as to why they didnt just face roll me

12. they die



all im saying is that they are not as OP as people like to think...they are beatable if you learn to INTERUPT


Your examples of an experienced sorc are wrong as that isn't how it should play out.


1. You Harpoon me to you

2. I snare you and hit sprint to get distance.

3. you try close the gap.

4. I cast all of my instant spells ending with my channeled whirlwind while as I'm sprinting/back pedaling

5. You break your CC and continue trudging to me.

6.I unload with force lightening as you try to close the gap.

7. If you've made it to me you CC me (my 4 instant spells will have done over 5k dmg to you unless you're fully geared by now)

8. I break CC and blast you away with Overload/begin back pedaling and throwing my instants (1 is off CD and 1 is proc'd by Force lightening and affliction is kept up permanently throughout the fight)

9. You interrupt me (this could proceed any of the above at any point and make little difference) I swap spells and keep casting, or I snare you (instant and off CD by now) and just run until I can channel again.

10. You're dead, all the dots have played out amounting to about 6k total damage, you ate 2 force lightening for around 2800 each, 2 shocks (which may double hit with my spec) for 500-1k per shock, 500 from my Overload, 500 from my electrocute (if I even use it) and a Death field up front for 1600-2500+


Obviously I don't know your class, but we have 2 stuns a knockback and a single cc break. I'm just trying to give an idea of how my class should react against your attacks. Our biggest advantage is range, you will NOT get me to stand toe to toe with you. Any Sorc that doesn't try to create a gap vs. a single target melee enemy deserves to get slaughtered. Contrary to popular belief my shield eats about 4k damage and get's shredded very quickly. We are very squishy without our shield...

Edited by Madcatyoji
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Obviously I don't know your class, but we have 2 stuns a knockback and a single cc break. I'm just trying to give an idea of how my class should react against your attacks. Our biggest advantage is range, you will NOT get me to stand toe to toe with you. Any Sorc that doesn't try to create a gap vs. a single target melee enemy deserves to get slaughtered. Contrary to popular belief my shield eats about 4k damage and get's shredded very quickly. We are very squishy without our shield...


FYI, we have an ability that negates your knockback. If activated before your knockback, we aren't affected. If activated after your knockback, all movement impairing effects are removed and we get a 30% speed boost. That helps closes the gap.


Outside of that, there is the Storm ability that closes the gap, with a 30m range. And we don't necessarily have to stand toe to toe against you at all times. Remember we're ranged too. We just occasionally get in to interrupt and do a couple of cooldown moves.


There are also defensive abilities we can use that helps. Certainly not as op as the Force bubble, but it helps.


Now I do have to say I tend to save my interrupts for the Healing moreso than the lightning. A good Sorc, at half hp, if not more, will heal if their lighting gets interrupted knowing that the trooper's interrupt is on CD. If they don't try to heal at all, at the right moments, then that's a bad Sorc.

Edited by Lazorous
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