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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bit of a Spoiler Question .. but need help with Darth.......


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Hi guys .. didnt know where to put this but this is my best idea of where.. so here goes


Im a sniper level 31, and i cant get past a fight.. put it in spoilers incase you arent up to it yet..



SO Darth Jadus is kicking my butt.. ive tried about 20 times, and can just get him near 10 percent at best. not sure if i am too low a level for this or i am missing something. i read about dodging around the consoles but since i have to crouch to do most of my decent moves he still catches me...



any ideas guys? Thanks

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Easiest answer is to get a friend, me(29) and friend(29) cakewalked him.


If you're bent on soloing him then you need to really manage your interrupts, save them for his heals and then use the large banks of computers on the right side to los his offense.

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Thanks for the info.. i dont have any friends ingame right now.. so will go out of the thing and try to get some help ..


Not sure if the "dont fight him" is a story choice.. but im far enough along not to have much of a choice.




It absolutely is, though at this point you may have scotched it. You could try resetting the quest. But chosing not to fight him and instead take his side, definitely a choice. I made it. Never regretted it.


Hand of Jadus for life.




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Hmmm , are you using your companion?


I beat him with my MM build and Kaliyo.


I died 1-2times once i know what to do i didnt die anymore.


maybe buy a stim/adrenal for this fight?


I tried with Kaliyo and the dude after that with little luck. what level did you go thru it?

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Do you use all the possible interrupts available?


I did it (I think at level 33) with Kaliyo (MM spec) at my 3rd try but that was because of the "cannot see target" bug.



Funny though, you do fight him more than once and I only had a hard time during the first battle. Yes, I know that every consecutive fight in this sequence is meant to become easier.



And yes, "don't fight him" is a story option you can choose.

Edited by Aiwan
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Distraction alone won't cut it. You have to stay close to him, use debilitate, cover pulse, and the knockback from ambush (if you have the talent) and they still won't be enough. I was a higher level than him and still it took me a lot of tries and a lot repairs/medpacks.


Btw, you know you have to defeat him more than once, right?

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