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And so it begins and will only get worse from this point...


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Yes and 90% of the time when you que you dont get the same pop. So you have to drop que and reque. Rinse repeat. Not cake.


As for the Open world pvp quests. Population imbalance far outranks this.


I can tell a lot of posters never experienced the Xrealm fiasco in DaoC.


Pop imbalance tends to be a null issue if Xrealming goes unchecked as Ilum remains as it is now...


The difference is people log on there Xrealm alts to farm the kill requirement instead.


Back in DaoC this kind of thing was rampant, groups of players farming rr off each other switching to the winning side in frontiers and the like.


This will become a major factor in 1.1 and it pains me to say this...


If bioware does nothing and lets it happen my friends and I shall do the same.


Because I refuse to fall behind the curve like I did for trying to play properly like i did in DaoC happen here because Bioware simply could not be bothered to consider what may hapoen with such a system!

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That's right, Xrealming the cancer of DaoC has started on servers across SWTOR.


Players rolling secondary characters on the opposing side to allow there guildies/side to farm them in WZ's for medal bonuses.


And with the 1.1 patch, this stands to get worse as Ilum will simply become a haven of "farmer characters" specifically made to counter the incoming kill counter.


The one thing that utterly amazed me about this game is that Bioware and the Mythic devs chose to ignore just how bad Xrealming is and the damage it did to DaoC in it's later days when clustering became availible.


So I propose a lockdown timer, 48 hours between side switching as to decrease the possibility of farmer characters becoming a heavy and frequent problem in Ilum after 1.1


I was there for DaoC's fall from grace and the mid zerg and saw just how much damage Xrealming can do when left unchecked.


Don't let it happen here, if there is one thing any self-respecting PvP'er would ask you, it's for Xrealming to be stopped before it becomes rampant!


Edit: OFC to keep this fair to our casuals that like to play both side, the lockdown should only occur should any of your characters be PvP flagged within your playtime for that side, lockdown timer starts ticking down once you are unflagged.


This is not even close to a valid concern, considering Imperials and Repubs cannot possibly sync their queues. Hell, Imperials play Huttball 3 out of 4 times. It would take a ridiculously long amount of time to get it so a warzone pops at the same time for both and even then, there's a chance it won't be the same one. Heck, we tried to manipulate the queue with 5 of us so a solo would get in together. It failed 2 out of 3 times (IE: Queued at the same time, got the warzone ready message at the same time, but got into different Warzones).


As far as I'm concerned, they figure out how to make this possible, they've earned the WZ points.

Edited by McVade
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This is not even close to a valid concern, considering Imperials and Repubs cannot possibly sync their queues. Hell, Imperials play Huttball 3 out of 4 times.


They figure out how to make this possible, they've earned the WZ points that time.


Whoever does this in a warzone needs to be taken out and shot for stupidity. You get alot more valor from Ilum kills and as of tomorrow you get your dailies/weeklies from it aswell.


By just farming 3-4 alts in Ilum you will hit BM in a few days and have the dailies/weeklies finished whenever needed.

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This is not even close to a valid concern, considering Imperials and Repubs cannot possibly sync their queues. Hell, Imperials play Huttball 3 out of 4 times. It would take a ridiculously long amount of time to get to get it so a warzone pops at the same time for both and even then, there's a chance it won't be the same one. Heck, we tried to manipulate the queue with 5 of us so a solo would get in together. It failed 2 out of 3 times (IE: Queued at the same time, but got into different Warzones).


As far as I'm concerned, they figure out how to make this possible, they've earned the WZ points.


And when you are in 2 pieces of battlemaster and all those that Xrealmed Ilum are in full battlemaster and nearly valor rank 90+ youll think to yourself...


Why did I say that was a none issue again?


Dont worry same stuff was said back in DaoC too so you wouldnt be the first and probably not the last to see xrealm farming as a null issue.

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You cant do that unless you have 8 accounts.......Whats the big deal? would a person get 8 accounts JUST to kill his own toons on Ilum......


Just one alt will do it


someone to swap cap points with a kill a few times to meet the "revised" critera


kills counters always work for total kills not unique kills thus it becomes Xrealm abusable


honestly a lockdown timer would go some ways to avoiding what is going to happen but for more the entireplanet and the way the dailies and weeklies earned there would need a from the ground up rework.

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I think you need to look into what you just stated a little more. This isn't DaoC, people will not benefit from farming their alts. People will only farm their alts to finish their Ilum daily in 1.1 other than that it would be a waste of time.


Medal farming is easier done without farming an alt. You would sacrifice to much damage waiting for it to spawn and killing it.

Edited by Tankxor
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Xrealming doesn't really do much in ToR. Sure they get 3-4 extra medals and comms but valor is still the same.


Just FYI, each medal awards 50 Valor and 5 commendations :p So, the valor is indeed not the same!


But I still doubt this Xrealming is worth the time/effort! Just get into PvP with a premade and crush/medal farm the normal way.

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With the amount of stuff I've seen, it appears this is rampant. Maybe your idea has some merit.


What amazes me about a minority of SWTOR players is how they keep pushing the envelope. It's just not the hacks and exploits, but also the unsportsmanlike conduct where guild comes before other team mates, especially PUGS. We also read about exploits in voidstar that Bioware claims are working as intended.


SWG had its players farming holocrons, and junk loot for sale using homemade macro bot programs. SWG said publicly they didn't have the staff to police this. On top of that some players would train mobs on the unsuspecting players, and when they came back from watching TV, they would be in the cloner.


But what was a big fo paux was to duel a combat ent and beating her. They would plaster your name all over the game server for beating up on a helpless ent.

Edited by Chiricahua
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