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So If Light Speed Exist In This Game


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You could always use entangled particles to transmit data.




Or take advantage of the Holographic principle (granted it's still a theory).


It states the 3-dimensional universe is effectively a description of the 2-dimensional horizon of the universe. So if a communications device could access the 2-dimensional horizon, you could know what is going on in the 3-dimensional universe without actually traveling there.

Edited by iResist
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Particles exist in space too from singularities to pockets...hitting any of them during light speed in a pressurized vessel would cause disintegration.


Unless you have something akin to a shield which pushes all particles around it and away.

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I dont mind the speed of the speeders in game right now although I wouldnt mind if they went a tad faster.


But since we're on the subject, exactly how fast would be 'too fast' realisticly?


I mean, theyre only speeder bikes. Our characters are simply hanging on. After a certain point a vehicle would be going too fast to even be able to hang on to it I would think.


And even if they could hang on, isnt there a point where the sheer (did I spell that right?) speed would start ripping the person apart?

Edited by Apache
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Here's the thing, OP. Speed is subjective, velocity is fixed. If I drove you in my car at 70 mph down a freeway, your brain wouldn't think much of it. If I drove 70 mph down an ally, you would suddenly be aware of the sensation of speed. The rate of travel is the same, however, 70 mph.


So, BioWare could render hundreds of miles of nothingness, and give you a faster speeder, or they could render what they can concievably render, then lower your speed, so that the sensation of speed is the same, that of traveling on a freeway.


No, velocity is also relative, but your point still stands. But then, it's all about perception. As the planets become bigger, the mode of travel becomes faster. In the end, there's no difference between walking around on Tython or speeding around on Hoth.

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How do you think teleporters (theoretically) work?


There are no plausible solutions for stable teleportation. If you're thinking about bio-digital cloning, that would never happen.


I'm not going to divulge into non-sense theories on how particle cloning would work until quarks can be reproduced and studied further.

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And even if they could hang on, isnt there a point where the sheer (did I spell that right?) speed would start ripping the person apart?


Only if the forces of acceleration are in excess of what the human body can maintain. Speed doesn't kill you. Rapid acceleration/deceleration kill you.

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There are no plausible solutions for stable teleportation. If you're thinking about bio-digital cloning, that would never happen.


It's impossible to have this debate without going into metaphysics. Many would argue that if an object occupies the same quantum state of another object then it has been successfully teleported.

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I dont mind the speed of the speeders in game right now although I wouldnt mind if they went a tad faster.


But since we're on the subject, exactly how fast would be 'too fast' realisticly?


I mean, theyre only speeder bikes. Our characters are simply hanging on. After a certain point a vehicle would be going too fast to even be able to hang on to it I would think.


And even if they could hang on, isnt there a point where the sheer (did I spell that right?) speed would start ripping the person apart?


Now on that agree the speeds do not improve that good for speeder over the 40k license. Can not justify 110k for a small speed boost.

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I'm not going to divulge into non-sense theories on how particle cloning would work until quarks can be reproduced and studied further.


Uhh you do realize quarks are studied with the use of particle accelerators? Quantum entanglement is certainly one options for "teleportation", but is effectively cloning. Scientists have already done "teleportation" with certain atoms using quantum entanglement.

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It's impossible to have this debate without going into metaphysics. Many would argue that if an object occupies the same quantum state of another object then it has been successfully teleported.


Have you never heard of the no-broadcast theorem? The no-teleportation theorem?


Even as theories, they are HIGHLY accepted in the science community.


Albert Einstein even believed that quantum physics is flawed and should be disregarded as a base for any type of experiment.

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Uhh you do realize quarks are studied with the use of particle accelerators? Quantum entanglement is certainly one options for "teleportation", but is effectively cloning. Scientists have already done "teleportation" with certain atoms using quantum entanglement.


Sure, they did it in a controlled environment. The universe is anything but controlled. And didn't they clarify that most atoms/particles/subatomics are destroyed in the process completely and cannot be copied? That would lead to corrupt data and you would get a scrambled message.

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Albert Einstein even believed that quantum physics is flawed and should be disregarded as a base for any type of experiment.


And yet he could find no way to disprove it. And experiments have confirmed quantum theory with astonishing accuracy.


We may not like the way the quantum universe works, or its implications, but it is a part of our universe.

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Also remember these are now LAWS. Like the believe going faster than speed of light will make time reverse. Until we can do that zero proof. I side with that is wrong till proven correct.


There is even the idea floating you maybe able to fold space and get to point A to B at sublight in a short time. Again that sounds great but at this point can not be a law.

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I am sure the scientists who are working hard in the field understand those equations just fine.


In addition, such networks might help realizing a universal quantum computer in which quantum bits can be exchanged with photons between nodes designed for information storage and processing.


Photons still travel at the speed of light which still means it would take a very long time to receive and broadcast.

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No MMO has realistic speeds for vehicles.


The reason for this is game mechanics and map design. Terrain is limited in size in every MMO, and thus travel times are carefully controlled by various movement speeds in the game. It's impossible to have realistic speeds and terrain size.


For example... with the sprint skill, players are running at ridiculous speeds (for human travel) for unlimited amounts of time. Obviously it's not realistic, but if they made it realistic, everyone would quit because travel would become mind-numbingly tedious.


In a similar fashion, they can't give speeders realistic speeds, because then people would cross the entirety of the terrain in much too short of time.


This disparity is much less noticed (or is easily glossed over) in Fantasy MMOs, since people don't expect live mounts to go uber fast. Though flying mounts (ignoring the obvious fictional problems) still travel much slower than they should have to to maintain altitude.

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Since the object being teleported has to be completely destroyed in the process, I don't think I'll ever use one.


I'm certain ppl from 16th century would refuse to sit in a huge tin can to fly across the sky.

Edited by Carinao
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light speed is also a joke. the milky way is 100,000 light years across, meaning if you were travelling the speed of light that it would take you 100,000 years to go from one end to the other. based on this map http://www.starwarsmap.com/, if the star wars galaxy is anything like the milky way, it would take a vessel travelling at light speed something like 700 lifetimes to get from korriban to balmorra. my interceptor does it in about 3 seconds.
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They're arguing about real life physics in a fictional universe that has lighsabers for gods sakes.


An xwing fighter in this fictional universe could dive into a black hole, pick up the little man with the flashlight looking for the circuit breaker and fly back to Tatooine for drinks within 0,000001 nanoseconds.




And the mounts in this game would still be piss slow.

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