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Sentinels DPS, or lack of.


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So I was questing last night with a Smuggler (same level as me), and his DPS was insanely higher than mine. I don't know what the smuggler's abilities are called, but his "full auto" attack was taking out enemies just from the one skill. He was mowing through targets like it was nothing. I, on the other hand, was struggling with the exact same mobs. I just recently upgraded my hilts and armor to be max for my level and I'm using all my abilities but even my master strike was only taking their health down to half. I'm extremely disappointed in the sentinel class, I got sentinel wanting to do DPS and it appears sentinels is one of the worst classes for DPS. With jedi guardians you can at least have heavy armor. I usually use Kira as my main companion cause she takes down enemies faster, but I've been using Doc a lot more due to the fact that it takes longer to take down enemies and he helps heal. Using Doc is a good way to stay alive but killing mobs takes much longer. Thoughts on this?
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Smuggler... or Trooper?


You specifically mentioned Full Auto, which is definitely a Trooper skill. And not even one that rings a bell as being one of their best. If I'm not mistaken, it's their version of our Master Strike. And unless we are talking levels under 20 here, it should not be enough to outright kill a mob on it's own. Perhaps there was something else at play that you weren't aware of, such as their sticky nade or a quick follow-up to Full Auto, such as us using a Master Strike followed immediately by a Slash.

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Definitely smuggler. I know full auto is a trooper skill, I just used that name cause I'm not sure what the smuggler's skill is called. I just know he shot a stream of shots with lots of damage. I don't know what other skills he was using, I just know that he was able to clear the room of mobs in about 10 seconds (with 3 mobs). It takes me probably 30 seconds to clear the mobs when I'm using Doc. I was just disappointed at how much better his DPS was.
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All I can say is if he was a gunslinger (dual wield pistols), then he is the same thing as a sniper, which is a class that can bring out 7k damage in about two seconds. The thing is those two classes are burst, so of course they can kill 3 mobs no problem, but after that they don't do much damage. The sentinel/marauder is more of a steady damage class than a smuggler is, which is why it takes you 30 seconds when he only takes 3 seconds. The only ability I can think of for the smuggler that releases a barrage of bullets is their main ability that is free to use, so in this case i'm not very sure but I could be wrong.
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Yes I do believe he was a gunslinger. That does make things more clear. Thanks for the input. I wish sentinels were able to dish out that kinda damage right off the bat. It's not very often you have to endure long fights unless it's a boss.
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Jedi Sentinels are masters of the slow burn. Both Combat and Watchman give you a lot of small numbers that add up fast. In 4 Man Heroics/Hard Modes and in PVP with healers, that's where Sentinels are at their best.


I have no idea how I'm going to get my Annihilator medal in PvP, but I'm not sweating it just yet.

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If I could, I would recommend your shared spec. I would imagine it's the same as the sith warrior. Currently, I am a level 50 marauder and at that level I am burning things up incredibly fast, but while I was leveling I used Rage (Focus). This is the spec I used.




I am assuming transcendence increases your ranged and melee defenses. I only put 1 point in that b/c it returns 5 stacks of your buff per person, not in total. However, if you put 2 points in it that does mean you can keep it up constantly in a group of 3 or more. Your rotation will begin with your force leap, then force stasis and then you will use force sweep right in the middle of all of your targets. The ending result is a large amount of AoE damage that equals slightly less than master strike. Use this in 1v1 as well. The reason I use this is b/c of it's nice survivability, that totals up to 5% damage reduction after you pick up that talent that adds on 2% more to Shii-Cho. That, and the channeled stun allows your companion to do damage while you are building up charges to then release a devastating aoe attack.


Never again am I translating sith warrior abilities to jedi knight, big pain. I recommend giving this a try. It increased my damage a good bit, and I can do a good bit of damage to more than 1 mob at once.

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The smuggler ability is "Speed Shot" and is obtained at lvl 36 and yes it can kill a weak mob in one use but not always.


The way the game just piles on the hp for enemies the higher you go is just seems to be a cheesy method to slow people down and call it "challenging" to solo.


Where those early abilities that stun/knockdown weak mobs seemed a little inconsequential at low levels, they become hugely more useful the higher up you go e.g. the stuns on Force Sweep and Blade Storm.

Edited by Rykko
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Jedi Sentinels are masters of the slow burn. Both Combat and Watchman give you a lot of small numbers that add up fast. In 4 Man Heroics/Hard Modes and in PVP with healers, that's where Sentinels are at their best.


What's hilariously awesome for Combatants is that periodic damage abilities (at least the channels) seem to trigger Ataru strikes, which is a great way to line up a number of things - Master Strike>Stasis>Caut>Blade Storm is a nice lineup if you pick up Inflammation and Merciless Zeal from Watchman - you're already pushing crit with a Combat spec anyways (or, at least you should be), which gives you a nice shot at picking up that healing while you've got them slowed nicely down.

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