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fate of the jedi


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To be honest, I didn't care so much for them in the beginning. This series suffers from the same problems of LotF and NJO, in that they are too drawn out. I'd say NJO to a lesser extent, because even though there were 19 books, in most of them at least SOMETHING was happening.


This cyclical writing style they came up with for the last two series was a way of spreading apart one idea over a dozen books and 3 years. While the second galactic civil war was cool, The pace was too slow in many places, and in the end it was very anti-climatic. That said, I probably enjoyed LotF more than FotJ


The problem is things like Tahiri's trial, every book seems to just push this along so slowly, just think of everything to do with Tahiri, or Jag and Jaina, Even NJO moved at a faster pace in terms of changes to the story.


I still have enjoyed this series, and it did bring us some cool things, like beyond shadows (yay Anakin), and even Callista (never thought we'd see her again, nice to get some closure). I like the Lost Tribe of Sith too. I'm still very undecided aboout how i feel regarding Abeloth.


I recently read Ascension though, and it was my favorite of this series, I'm now really excited for Apocalypse. I'm thinking Jag and Jaina will get married, Jag will declare himself Emperor Fel, and Jaina and Tahiri will lay the groundwork for what will become the Imperial Knights.


I hate to say it, but I would hope that this book would mark the end of Luke. I know he can't die, but perhaps he could be removed from the story somehow, like having to become a seal to contain Abeloth.

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Tahiri needs to die. It disgusts me that jedi can just get away with their crimes by claming they have redeemed themselves.


"oh i didnt really mean to kill him. i just wanted to see my dead boyfriend again, but im better now seriously. can I go home now?"


No. you killed the head of state of the Imperial Remnant who was also a staunch supporter of the GA and one of the most honnorable men in the galaxy. If she wasnt a jedi there wouldn't even have been a trail, she just would be dead.



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