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So all the QQ.


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All the QQ is understandable, I in fact do love the idea of this game, the essence per say. I love my marauder as of right now I have no real alts. I am lvl 50, tier 2 pvE gear and almost 58 valor. I dominate in pvp, and I am frustrated in every WZ by character responsiveness and our flat out squishy-ness.


If you are looking for information on those topics, read any of the other threads in this section. I am an end game elite PvP player in many mmo's (everquest, aion, DAoC). This class needs, a ton of work.... a ton. However that being said.. played correctly it can still do work. I made this thread to give examples that we can be decent, but man I wish they would give us some attention.



Proof is in the pudding


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