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Crazy Suggestion for Space Combat


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I figure it BW is going to have a rail shooter for space combat, they could have the best one out there.


First off, I am not saying I don't want them to add better space combat away from rail shooters, but since I am not sure how they are going to implement it, I shall come up with crazy ideas related TO rail shooters.


IDEA 1: Allow for co-op/Flashpoint number of people into a space mission.

Why not allow more than 1 person enter the space mission to work together. They could have it where each person has an objective and can fail/succeed at that themselves and also have a major objective that requires all the players to succeed at their individual ones. Have the people take different flight paths that intersect at some points and run together. Have it so that if someone does a Pass on a capital ship and takes out the turrets, that the next person who might run by that ship already sees the turrets destroyed. I could go on, but I feel that the idea gets across with this.


IDEA 2: Allow for a person to choose different flight paths.

It gets kind of boring running the same mission the exact same way each time. Why not allow a person to select a flight path part way through the run? (See Tony Hawk games for example) Yea, I know I am referencing a game that isn't even close to an MMO, but I did like the idea that different paths have different challenges. Allow me to choose to run charging straight across that Capital ships front or let me choose to avoid it all together if I fear its weapons. The objectives wouldn't have to change but it would allow me to feel like I am in more control of my ship then I am.


IDEA 3: Allow enemy ships to make more than 1 attack run on me.

This idea could be good or bad depending on how it was implemented. Allow enemy fighters to actually make more than one attack run on me. Sometimes I would just like another chance to take out those pesky fighters who flew right in front of my face and blasted me before I could take them down. Why not allow them to turn around and come back after me? (this could mean that if I take them out, that group of fighters are not going to show up at that point in the fight as well).


These are my ideas for now. I think they could all be implemented (in time) together and could make the space missions much more exciting than they are.


I welcome comments and/or suggestions relating to how these could be better. I know it is foolish of me to try, but I ask that the topic relate to how the Devs could implement better space missions ON Rails (like they have now).

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How about a space missions queue that fills up with four republic and four imperial players. once full the mission starts. The four on on one team fly in formation and must take out X number of enemy fleet targets before the four in the opposing team can take out their targets.
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Sounds like an interesting idea for making some space combat be related to PVP. I think they could do it with 1v1 to 4v4 (maybe having different missions be different number of players).


I would think they every once and a while that the two groups could pass each other quickly to get a few pot shots off (otherwise it kinda feels like a SP space mission with a random time limit).

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I would think they every once and a while that the two groups could pass each other quickly to get a few pot shots off (otherwise it kinda feels like a SP space mission with a random time limit).



That's what I thought too.


You know that mission where you must take out the one enemy starship?


Well, the four enemy player ships would look somthing like that, and at one or two points in the flight path, we become visible to each other, and everyone can lock on as many missiles and try to take the other players out. It would be such fun.

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What was interesting during beta - when the survey popped up after a space mission - it would ask "did you do this solo or with a group?" :)


I envisioned 4 people sitting in a turret similar to the battle sequence from the Millennium Falcon's turret view points.


BTW - the enemy ships do come back and fire on you if you don't destroy them. :)

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What was interesting during beta - when the survey popped up after a space mission - it would ask "did you do this solo or with a group?" :)


I envisioned 4 people sitting in a turret similar to the battle sequence from the Millennium Falcon's turret view points.


BTW - the enemy ships do come back and fire on you if you don't destroy them. :)




Some of the enemy ships come back around. Mostly those ships who fly in front of your turn around and attack yes. I am talking about those ships who charge you from the front. They just kind of fly off without a care in the world that you didn't get destroyed.


I have sometimes let them fly by and ignored them and i have yet to see more ships in the mission later because I did that instead of destroying them.


Now it is true that some points in the mission a few of the enemy ships come back around, but almost all of those are ones that either fly from behind to front or from one side of the screen to another.



As for having a Cannon view. Well, it would take a little bit away from the style they have at the moment but could have merit. The question for that would be what kind of view do you get to see and would it be driving the user insane seeing an enemy ship for half a second as it fly's by their view.

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I like all these ideas as well.

Co-Op style or PvP multiplayer.

The Han-Solo and Luke in the Falcon type of scenario.

Different "railed" routes for variety. etc

Game types like warzones have but in space. With the proper tweaking to make it work. I really could see this being fun. Only thing about space missions right now is that you separate yourself so much from the rest of the server and this would make it more involved.

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I think that it would not only make it more involved, but allow people to feel that the space missions were more fun. I have seen a lot of complaining on the forums about how they are just a Star Fox rip off and 'this is 2012'. This would take a concept they already have implemented and expand it greatly.


Of course, the poor designers would have to completely revamp the missions to allow for this kind of play. Otherwise it would be extremely boring to run through a mission where your ally finished off all of the enemies before you aimed at them.

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BTW - the enemy ships do come back and fire on you if you don't destroy them. :)


So far, I've only seen a single ship that did that, and it was sort of a miniboss.




(think the mission opened up at lvl 34. Don't remember the name, but it's the "higher difficulty" version of that one mission in the ice field where you have to kill that new phantom fighter. In the higher difficulty version it's some other fighter you have to kill, and that phantom fighter starts harrassing you near the beginning until you finally kill it)


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