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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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I haven't played all eight classes, so I couldn't say one way or the other. I can say that Kaliyo seems pretty open and aggressive about her intentions.


I've found that too on my agent and she's FEMALE! As you said in a earlier post, she's definantly a character you can see being bi.


I have to agree that I would like to see it done with some more thought, which is probably why it's taking some time. They want to get it right and not have it like some-kind of slap-dash attempt at a romance and try to make it seem like the character really is interested in you and it isn't just a sloppy intergration of the hetro romance.

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I disagree completely. Most of the people I know aren't bothered either way, and I'm willing to bet most people are the same way. If they were all SGRAs, and I really wanted to romance Vette, I'd have rolled a female SW. And you know what, it would not have bothered me at all.


I'd say most have a preference for playing one gender over the other for their main toon and playing a specific sexuality for their main toon.


You can't honestly believe that most people who typically play a toon that matches their real-life gender and sexuality would be okay with being forced to play the exact opposite simply to romance their favorite companion.


Of course, there are some exceptions (on both sides...some that prefer SGRA have rolled the opposite gendered toon from what they typically play in order to do a OGRA) but from my experience, most RPG fans get upset if they cannot roleplay the exact character they want or feel more comfortable with.


I also think it's a bit meaninglesss for an individual that only plays OGRA to state they would be okay if all companions were SGRA-only because they can be confident that no company would ever implement such a system. It's easy to say you would be fine if 'some bad thing X' happened if you were 100% sure X would never happen. Note: I'm not talking about you specifically, just in general.

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Hello there, just wanted to add my voice to the thread :)


I also hope SGRA will be implemented soon.

Almost everything has been said already, a lot of very good points have been raised (Zandilar comes to mind ;)). I am also in favor of allowing all LI to be romanced by both genders, as long as the storyline feels natural.


Maybe I'm being idealistic, but I feel that in an advanced society like SW's, one's sexual orientation should be treated the same as "someone likes brown hair better than blond hair", and that noone should be shocked/surprised if you showed them some interest...

Or even better, the same as "I'm a human but I dig Rattataki/Chiss/Twi'lek/and so on....."


But then again, that's just wishful thinking :D


Anyhow, I'm avoiding companion missions 'till we learn more...

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Also Kaliyo, W2, Temple(to a point, it's very subtle) Doc and Carso are all aggressive. Why do you think alot of lesbian gamers hate Carso? It's because he keeps hitting on them. So yes, some of the companions are aggressive.
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Also Kaliyo, W2, Temple(to a point, it's very subtle) Doc and Carso are all aggressive. Why do you think alot of lesbian gamers hate Carso? It's because he keeps hitting on them. So yes, some of the companions are aggressive.

Now, see? If my (male) Smuggler could get that kind of attention from Corso, I'd feel like I was doing it right. ;)


On the other hand, when that skank on Ord Mantell slithered up to me I wanted nothing to do with her. And later on, I shot her when I got the chance.


Come to think, she may have been one of the first opportunities my smuggler had to reply with a [Flirt]. It's never with the cute soldier guys, or those mohawk toughs on Tatooine with that whole Thunderdome/rough-trade thing they have going.


I'd enjoy this content. It would be fun, if the option were there for swinging on my own side of the tree.


Many of us feel the same way. We would like to hear from Bioware when we can reasonably expect to see this.

Edited by Uluain
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Did I ever say that Kaliyo shouldn't be romanceable by both genders? No, I didn't. There are some that shouldn't, though. Not without potentially destroying their character.


Didn't imply that you did. As for characters that 'shouldn't' because it would ruin their character, what does it matter to you if you're not going to follow those lines of conversation? Besides the fact that "destroying their character" is a matter of your opinion and not necessarily someone else's. Let's not get into a petty debate about that please!


So, you know all of the details behind the coding used in the game? That's truly fascinating. Maybe you can share some details with us on the General forums about why certain areas of the game are still a mess.


For any of us know, there are serious issues, or they just don't want to try and edit in words, and splice together sentences. Maybe the content was never really there, like some people claim it is.


*sigh* sarcasm doesn't help. No I do not know all of the details behind the coding used in the game. Do you honestly think it is a great leap to impliment a SGR system when they already have the system in place? Come on now, don't argue for the sake of arguing.


What I DO know, however, is that BioWare has a track record of utilizing the VA's to the best potential, which includes and there is proof of this, S/S dialogue that is embedded in the games but not flagged to initiate.


See example 1: ME1 FemShep and Ash:


See example 2: ME2 FemShep and Liara talk about her relationship with Miranda (8 months after the game was initially released with no S/S (other than Kelly) relationships)



Possibly. The biggest video game consumer also happens to be one of the most conservative nations in the free world. Or maybe they went over budget somewhere, and had to direct the resources elsewhere.


When you pay a VA for a day, it doesn't matter what you have them say- as Jen Hale is fond of saying, she's not paid by the word.


We'll probably never really know.


On this we agree.



For those wondering about Kelly in ME2- she was part of an initial plan for several 'soft' romances aboard the SR2 which would have included Kenneth as well. That is straight from a dev's mouth... err, keyboard.

Edited by Gemin
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As I said to the same guy, Kaliyo seems to act flirty with my agent even though she's female, yet there is no flirt option...yet. It's a big tease really which annoys a lot of players as you can easily see them being bi.


Kaliyo is not only flirty to anyone, she also assumes anyone is bi - that's pretty blatant the way she and the PC (of whatever gender) banter about NPCs, take Sujan Pyne.


[she said the way my male IA always backed him up was cute, yet all I could answer was "I'm not interested" said in three different manners... sob]



Anyway, I must admit I can't really answer the second poll of the thread, I'm still not sure what feels best for gaming experience :


* every romance-able companion / flirtable NPC optionally available to all players (i'm not saying "bi" anymore, I understood what some of you said about seeing it just as a way of personalization, just as the appearance is, or the lightside/darkside alinement) : I actually HAD this "harem impression" mentionned before in DA2. I know I could have just ignored the flirty options, but I wanted my Hawke to be the always-joking epicurian type, and, well, it always got serious too soon.


* each companion / flirtable NPC has his own orientation (gay/bi/straight), written in stone, which would only be cool if there is at least one companion available for each sexual orientation and each gender of PC. And which would be way cooler (for realism's sake) if you could actually flirt with anybody, and get refusals when inappropriate. As for "aggressive" companions, well, the PC would also have the possibility to refuse with a clear answer, not just ignoring the tease long enough for the companion to abandon romance options.


Upon reflexion, I think what bothers me about the first option, based on my DA2 experience, is that a flirting PC always succeed. Wooing is not easy, it shouldn't be just a railtrack of flirty lines. In previous Bioware games, back to Kotor when the lines weren't even marked as "flirty", there was actually several way to upset the companion and fail the romance, and not just after "getting the prize" (which was just a kiss in Kotor). I know it was a solo game, which meant you could always load a previous savegame, which is not possible on a MMO.

But just as there are presently in the game more than enough different occasions to flirt (well, I never flirted with Kaliyo, I even told her on one of our ship conversations I saw her just as a friend, and I still have flirty lines possibility, which means I probably could change my mind and woo her successfully if I wanted to), so one mistake, one step back, wouldn't necessarily ruin the romance, and there would always be possibilities to make amend...


Make romances harder ("harder" from the gameplay point of view of course), more progressive, and then, even if companions do try and flirt with you, it would be so subtle at first that no one would feel "aggressed", I'm pretty sure of it.

Edited by DarkPara
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So female players getting the [Flirt] cue with Vette would ruin the character for you? Any dialogue involving her sexuality would thus be behind a very optional, very clearly marked door that you would never see unless you specifically clicked on that option.


This. Very much this.


The problem with saying "X can change to being bi, but Y shouldn't" is that someone invariably gets left out in the cold. So that smuggler gal who wants to romance Risha is A-okay and good to go, but the bounty huntress who wants 'quality time' with Mako is SOL because someone's narrowly-defined definition of what's acceptable says that it shouldn't happen?


Not buying that. The dialogue is purportedly already recorded, anyways. And until BioWare says one way or the other, it's really all academic, anyways.

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I was proving your point :confused:


Sorry, I was a bit grumpy. It just seemed like you were nitpicking something that wasn't important to the discussion. I wanted people to understand that they in all likelyhood wouldn't neet to 'cut together' dialogue to make SGR's work in this game.


Alas, as someone else pointed out, it would be nice to simply hear somethingn official other than "sometime"...


It's like the FemShep trailer debacle over on the BW forums. 8 months ago, a Dev posted that within 6 months there would be a FemShep CGI trailer. E3 passed, VGA awards passed by and here we are a month-and-a-half from the release of ME3 and still no FemShep trailer. It simply seems like the bean counters are waiting until "possibly sales damage" would be at a minimum before releasing it. I'm predicting a week before launch myself. I find these practices to be disrespectful to the community at large and insulting to male gamers in general. Do they really think I won't buy a video game because they promote the main character as male AND female?


*sigh* Sorry for the rant. Have a good day.

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Upon reflexion, I think what bothers me about the first option, based on my DA2 experience, is that a flirting PC always succeed.


That's not even true for DA2. You have many flirting failures (Aveline and Varric the most notable and then there are instances with other NPCs).


Wooing is not easy, it shouldn't be just a railtrack of flirty lines. In previous Bioware games, back to Kotor when the lines weren't even marked as "flirty", there was actually several way to upset the companion and fail the romance, and not just after "getting the prize" (which was just a kiss in Kotor). I know it was a solo game, which meant you could always load a previous savegame, which is not possible on a MMO.


I don't know...I think the 'right' line was obvious in those older games even if it wasn't marked. The mechanic is the same (pick option X to start/continue romance, option Y to avoid it/stop it) it's just now they label it specifically.


They only change is that instead of it being 95% obvious it's 100% obvious.

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This. Very much this.


The problem with saying "X can change to being bi, but Y shouldn't" is that someone invariably gets left out in the cold. So that smuggler gal who wants to romance Risha is A-okay and good to go, but the bounty huntress who wants 'quality time' with Mako is SOL because someone's narrowly-defined definition of what's acceptable says that it shouldn't happen?


Not buying that. The dialogue is purportedly already recorded, anyways. And until BioWare says one way or the other, it's really all academic, anyways.


Ehhh it wouldn't work well, for a few companions....even though everyone says Corso is gay he always helps out the ladies, so I don't really think that he'd go both ways. Tharan too.



Anyway, I think Biowarez is just gonna roll out a new set of companions....not that I'd want it.

Edit: Would be good if Bioware added a 4th wheel to the wheel option, so you don't have to flirt with them if you aren't into it but want to gain favor.

Edited by Belarrasus
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That's not even true for DA2. You have many flirting failures (Aveline and Varric the most notable and then there are instances with other NPCs).


Ah ? Honestly, I don't remember those, but maybe I was too much aware before playing of what will be the romanceable options to notice those. My mistake then.

Anyway, this was a yes/no switch : Aveline would never yield however much you tried, while Anders would fall for you immediately and inconditionnally, barely knowing you and having a "mind guest" which should have divert him from any romance.

An other aspect of the "harem" impression on DA2 came from the lack of confrontation : whenever you completed a romance, the game automatically reset all other companions to "non romanced", and everybody among your companion just seemed to be OK with your choice. Without any altercation scene as in DAO or ME (or like in what Kotor 2 should have been if truly completed before release, and yeah I know they weren't Bioware, but they were working on the same state of mind as Bioware), where potential lovers actually fought for your love !


What is the point of wooing someone who already adore you ? Choosing to romance a companion shouldn't be "just" a personalization of your side story, we are PLAYING and want challenge in every aspect of the game !


Enough of DA2 complaints however, romances are better written in TOR ; yet again, companion interaction are no challenge in TOR : why is it that in side quests (aka every quest except class quests or companion quests), they only lose -1 when disagreeing, whereas never gaining less than 15 when agreeing ?


'Probably being too demanding for a mmo though, comparing with solo-CRPG is not really fair. Which is why I'll probably be content with any implementation of s/s, as soon as it IS implemented...

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Sadly, i don`t think that upgrading romance options is one of bioware top priorities. At least it would take monts to see some new content - if we are luckies offcourse


Makes sense, really. Fixing bugs, and adding more PvP/Raid content are things that effect larger portions of the player base then SGRAs.

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