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Rage Spec Stat Priority


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Hey guys!


Just looking for some feedback on my choices here.


Aside from hit capping I am curious as to which stat for enhancements and mods should a Rage spec Marauder go for.


I am currently geared out with crit/surge. Considering with obtain crit modifier to force and how often you use force in Rage spec, it feels right to stack those.


Slightly wasted do to the auto crit for force smash but each tree has an auto crit mechanic for something so I figure its a trade off each spec makes.


Either way please comment. My other consideration was stacking accuracy/surge

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Hey guys!


Just looking for some feedback on my choices here.


Aside from hit capping I am curious as to which stat for enhancements and mods should a Rage spec Marauder go for.


I am currently geared out with crit/surge. Considering with obtain crit modifier to force and how often you use force in Rage spec, it feels right to stack those.


Slightly wasted do to the auto crit for force smash but each tree has an auto crit mechanic for something so I figure its a trade off each spec makes.


Either way please comment. My other consideration was stacking accuracy/surge


Accuracy is pretty useless for Rage as we are Force Focused.


I stack Surge and Power (after Strength obviously)

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at least for enhancements i believe power/surge ones are the best for rage and carnage.


with rage its 100%crit smash, with carnage its 100% crit force scream.


btw, i dont get it why anyone would use rage spec, sure it makes wonders every 15-20 seconds but thats it.


with carnage you get 15% passive movement speed, immobilize on ravage and deadlythrow + extra trinket on force camoflauge, gore gives you a lot of bursting potential as well.


so many reasons why i think its so much better for pvp and for pve obviously.

Edited by BeyondMagic
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I like RAGE because majority of the dmg done is through force so you dont have to worry about armour playing in.


The passive dmg reduction is nice to, I believe it goes up to 6 or 7% (sorry cannot remember off hand). Also I feel less restricted when considering my options of what to use. Rage modifies more of your abilities then any other tree.


Example, as carnage or annihilation you would never use smash and scream really. However in Rage both are given benefits. Then you look at white dmg mods and saber attack mods. Buff to Vicious Slash dmg /crit %, uninteruptable Ravage is pretty nice.


Rage tree has it all in one way or another.


IMO, Carnage and Annihilation are great at dealing dmg but in all honestly loosing the second gap closer really cripples your ability to counter kiting classes as well depending on melee attacks for 90% of your dmg really gives a ranged class more room for error when kiting you. At least with Rage he has maintain a good distance away or he will get force crush > oblit > smash.

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Accuracy is pretty useless for Rage as we are Force Focused.


I stack Surge and Power (after Strength obviously)


I wouldn't say accuracy is useless since you still don't want to miss/be defended against.




I like RAGE because majority of the dmg done is through force so you dont have to worry about armour playing in.


Most of your force abilities still deal kinetic damage which is reduced by armor.

Edited by elicious
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I wouldn't say accuracy is useless since you still don't want to miss/be defended against.


Most of your force abilities still deal kinetic damage which is reduced by armor.


I've never missed a Force attack and I've got +108% force accuracy without taking anything extra for it.

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I've never missed a Force attack and I've got +108% force accuracy without taking anything extra for it.


It depends on how much defense mobs/bosses have. 10% seems to be commonly agreed upon but it could only be 5%. That still does not make accuracy useless. You'll still want to cap accuracy for specials because when you miss that huge built up smash you'll lose a ton of dmg.

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