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Gearing your companions


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Hi guys, level 20 Sentinel (Watchman spec) here.


So now that I have 3 companions (well the stewart droid from what I hear is nothing more than a mission runner) I am at a loss as to which companion to gear up.


The astromech droid up till now did a decent job at tanking while my new companion Kira is a dps class. Both companions so far were neglected when it came to gear. I was trying to save commendations for my own Coruscant pieces.


So here is the problem, i dont think it would be easy or smart to spread resources (planet-specific commendations) over my entire party and try to gear up both my droid and Kira.


Is it true that Kira is much more superior and Sentinel should run with her ? So far i had no problem killing mobs with either companion but things are gonna get tougher pretty soon.


Basically my character is my top priority for gear at this moment but I know that companion gear is important too. Should I use commendations on myself and buy some pieces for kira/droid on the market ? Etc...


Guys, any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

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my advice would be dependent on your crafting skill.


ie if you are a synthweaver which is a great choice for jedi then you and kira can be geared by you


in which case i would keep T7 geared up with mission rewards particularly towards the end because you are forced to use him at the end of your class quest.


Doc is important to keep geared because you will become dependent on him



hope this helps a bit at least :)

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What I can tell you is that t7 becomes useless at some point and you will use kira/doc only. Kira is a good comp for running around planets and doc for elites. You will be getting a lot of gear for companions at a later stage so you shouldnt worry that much. Edited by Imrageth
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T7 is your friend. We're generally far better off paired with a tank companion. Doc is hugely overrated.


You don't have Scourge yet, so T7 is your guy. There's one fight where you're forced to use Kira, and it's considered one of the hardest fights in the Sentinel progression. She has great DPS but neither you or her can really take a beating, especially not an extended beating. T7 can, and even if T7 drops blowing your defensives should keep you standing to the end of the fight.

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Doc is *far* the best companion when soloing at lvl 50.


That champion on Ilum is a reasonable solo fight with Doc, and not sure its doable with anyone else.


At the end of your class quest line, there is a fight that you can only take T7 to. TBH, though, the fight is so spectacularly messed up at the moment, though, et doesn't matter how well geared he is, you're better off bringing a friend. BW acknowledge that it it messed up, though, so that may change at some point. In any case, there is a simple puzzle nearby that helps you gear T7 up with a set of high level greens.


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What I can tell you is that t7 becomes useless at some point and you will use kira/doc only. Kira is a good comp for running around planets and doc for elites. You will be getting a lot of gear for companions at a later stage so you shouldnt worry that much.


Not sure how this idea gets spread around...T7 works just fine when geared. I don't think any of them are "broken", but everyone except Doc is definitely gear-dependent. You have to keep up - use your trash greens and quest drops on them at the very least.


The Commendation Vendors sell several orange parts for T7 that can be upgraded along the way, and since he's a requirement at the end of the line, I'd say he's probably the most logical choice to continue to gear up. You'll have to do it anyway. Those moddable T7 parts only cost a few commendations and are great for using up your leftovers.


Thing is - you have to play differently based on which companion you have out. If you use the same strategy every time certain ones might start to seem "useless".

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