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Everything wrong with a Marauder in ONE thread!


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Marauder is easiest to kill for other classes and are at the bottom of food chain. You can visit other class forums and see the concensus. Don't delude yourself (and others) that you can destroy everyone 1v1, that just looks childish


nono, YOU, personally, feel that YOU are easy to kill. there is a difference between being bad and the class being up.

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*If I missed anything, want me to add anything, or I have misinformation, post and I will add it and/or fix it.
Since you did not specify that those problems were only mechanics' wise, then you forgot one wrong element:


Our gear's appearance.


We have no hood up robe armour, as seen in the progression video.


We are officially the unloved AC of ToR.

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great thread but please note somewehere that bioware should not change all the points you have mentioned or the marauder would be pretty awesome ;)


also force choke can not be interrupted in 1vs1? hit me if I got it wrong but cant you simply use a cd to interrupt it? I always had the impression I could do so, or maybe it was just bugged?

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nono, YOU, personally, feel that YOU are easy to kill. there is a difference between being bad and the class being up.



I am not easy to kill, I kill marauders easily with my op, sorc, jug

dunno if all marauders are bad as you claim /shrug

Edited by Precurso
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Marauder as a whole is fine, though, I do agree that there are certain areas that could use some polishing. SWTOR has only been released for exactly ONE MONTH, fixes and/or changes will happen in time. I think Marauder is a fine class and unbelievably fun to play, here are some of my ideas that aren't necessarily fixes but are just some food for thought:


Cloak of Pain is my biggest issue in pvp. I think Cloak of Pain should at least last 15 seconds and upon being attacked increase the duration to a maximum of 30 seconds with the start of the cool down NOT being activated until the cloak wears off.


Ataru Form shouldn't have a 1.5 second cool down on its procs, but either decrease the damage or percent chance slightly.


Ravage should have a slightly less damage third hit but have a 2sec channel instead. Or, Ravage should stay the same but generate 1 rage per hit (max of 3 rage generated), if a hit is missed it doesn't generate rage. In other words, you can generate 1,2 or 3 rage based on when it was interrupted or if it was fully completed.


I agree that Gore should be a charge based skill of 3 hits to TARGETED player only, since in 6 seconds you can generally get 3 hits. It would be a major buff in the sense that if you Gore then get stunned you wouldn't have wasted a skill. Another thing I was thinking of with the charge thing is decrease the amount of armor reduction like this: -150%, -100%, -50% for charges 3,2,1 respectively or -175%, -100%, -25% respectively. The latter would make your first skill used with gore do lots of damage but your third skill used do not as much.


I also think that Battering Assault should do more damage and what I was imagining is something along these lines: Battering Assault does normal weapon damage for 3 hits, so if your weapon damage is 100 it will do 300 damage, but it should also have a chance per hit to proc Ataru while generating the 6 rage. Instead of making it a solid damage skill, it is a instant 3 attacks that are like other attacks miss-able/dodge-able/parry-able. So you can either miss all three attacks or hit all three attack that proc three Ataru's (under the assumption that Ataru has no cool down or in our circumstance that it does, this is a special skill that over rules the cooldown). If any may think this is over-powered then you can make it to where it will generate 2 rage per hit, so if a hit is missed it doesn't generate rage.


I haven't done any hard math on any of this, just some thoughts that popped in my lonely mind while reading this particular post. Once again this is just some ideas that I do not think would be a fix to the class, but some ideas none-the-less. Feel free to use/modify/troll/hate/rage/accept these ideas in any way shape or form, Enjoy.

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Lets see what my biggest issues with the Marauder is?

First of all, i am playing with a rage specc atm.


I really miss simple macros! We have so many abilities to manage, a lot of asynchronical cooldowns and two different pools (rage, fury) need a lot of intention. Plus standard monitioring of my health, enemy health, enemy casting bar, etc.

All those mechanisms take most of my attention just to operate my marauder in an appropriate way.

The problem ist that because of this i very often loose the control over the fighting scenery. Sometimes not even notiving, that i lost my target, that i am missing a prereq or somehting else which breaks my damage outout severely.

--> Macros would help a lot. Just simple "casting-sequences" would be enough. I dont need complex scripting.


There is too much CC and the marauder has nearly nothing to counter it. Against good enemies in a warfront i am constantly cced and i have only one ability to remove such an effect just do be cced again.


The UI-Lagg kills my performance! I cannot count how often i cursed about the lagg when using abilities. Undying Rage not firing is one example... perfectly used you do that 5-10% HP to give you those extra 5 secs to kill your enemy or get that life-saving heal.

The delay is so bad that i often hit it in time but dye anyway.... i started to train myself to start using it at 30-40% just to make sure it fires off in time.

Thats not how this is supposed to work.


just my 2cc

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My biggest gripe is that Maras are just plainly gimped Juggs.

juggs do about the same amount of dmg midgame while having heavy armor and a usable 2nd slot that isn't decoration being a damn tank.


Seriously make the offhand usable instead of a stat stick. Dual Wielding now is just looking fancy with your dual saber because your offhand is so gimped out that we aren't even a DPS class. Atleast throw in the bonus damage on your offhand now it's nothing more than a shiny piece of line on my screen.

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You guys are all crazy. Half of these "issues" are a little something called "balance".


There are a few things that need to be fixed, none of what's mentioned in the OP.


Ability delay, affecting Retaliation the most, needs looked at and position sync (being "Out of range" despite being right next to someone). Also, I've hear people saying surge bonuses aren't applying correctly to some of the DoTs.


Everything in the OP is either:


1) Balancing mechanics

2) L2Play


3) Trying to use abilities in situations they shouldn't be used

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Marauder is easiest to kill for other classes and are at the bottom of food chain. You can visit other class forums and see the concensus. Don't delude yourself (and others) that you can destroy everyone 1v1, that just looks childish


I would def not say we are the easiest class to kill. I have been able to kill every class 1v1. Now I'm not saying i win every battle but I can win.


Heck I can even sometimes kill one of the guys when I'm fighting 1v2. Marauders are definitely not broken and the ability delay is not a class wide thing because I do not suffer from it. Now that doesn't mean its on the player end just that there is some circumstance that is making it happen for some not all.


I Just don't like when people call a class broken because they are having issues with some things (not mechanics). Like force choke and ravage, they work fine for me but apparently the class is broken cause some people have problems with it.

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Marauder as a whole is fine, though, I do agree that there are certain areas that could use some polishing. SWTOR has only been released for exactly ONE MONTH, fixes and/or changes will happen in time. I think Marauder is a fine class and unbelievably fun to play, here are some of my ideas that aren't necessarily fixes but are just some food for thought:


Cloak of Pain is my biggest issue in pvp. I think Cloak of Pain should at least last 15 seconds and upon being attacked increase the duration to a maximum of 30 seconds with the start of the cool down NOT being activated until the cloak wears off.


Ataru Form shouldn't have a 1.5 second cool down on its procs, but either decrease the damage or percent chance slightly.


Ravage should have a slightly less damage third hit but have a 2sec channel instead. Or, Ravage should stay the same but generate 1 rage per hit (max of 3 rage generated), if a hit is missed it doesn't generate rage. In other words, you can generate 1,2 or 3 rage based on when it was interrupted or if it was fully completed.


I agree that Gore should be a charge based skill of 3 hits to TARGETED player only, since in 6 seconds you can generally get 3 hits. It would be a major buff in the sense that if you Gore then get stunned you wouldn't have wasted a skill. Another thing I was thinking of with the charge thing is decrease the amount of armor reduction like this: -150%, -100%, -50% for charges 3,2,1 respectively or -175%, -100%, -25% respectively. The latter would make your first skill used with gore do lots of damage but your third skill used do not as much.


I also think that Battering Assault should do more damage and what I was imagining is something along these lines: Battering Assault does normal weapon damage for 3 hits, so if your weapon damage is 100 it will do 300 damage, but it should also have a chance per hit to proc Ataru while generating the 6 rage. Instead of making it a solid damage skill, it is a instant 3 attacks that are like other attacks miss-able/dodge-able/parry-able. So you can either miss all three attacks or hit all three attack that proc three Ataru's (under the assumption that Ataru has no cool down or in our circumstance that it does, this is a special skill that over rules the cooldown). If any may think this is over-powered then you can make it to where it will generate 2 rage per hit, so if a hit is missed it doesn't generate rage.


I haven't done any hard math on any of this, just some thoughts that popped in my lonely mind while reading this particular post. Once again this is just some ideas that I do not think would be a fix to the class, but some ideas none-the-less. Feel free to use/modify/troll/hate/rage/accept these ideas in any way shape or form, Enjoy.


Changing Ataru proc's with lower Internal GCD or lowering the dmg will cause inbalance among the tree's. Mass ignore's the 1.5 sec GCD so the changes u speak of would be a huge dps increase or loss and cause inbalance. Oh and Using mass before battering assault can cause ataru proc.

Edited by Kenshinth
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I Just don't like when people call a class broken because they are having issues with some things (not mechanics). Like force choke and ravage, they work fine for me but apparently the class is broken cause some people have problems with it.


it appears you don't actually use the said broken abilities at all

smash spam much?

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