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Poor Republic Players Have to Stare at this in their own fleet!


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lol nice. Reminds me of the reflections which used to be present in SWG. I distinctively remember every reflection in that game was actually an image of the planet Rori. It's surface to be exact, he he. I guess some stuff like this is easier to code a certain image for reflection than what actually would be shown in said reflection.
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Keep in mind the 'Republic' fleet is identical in design to the Imperial one. The Emperor probably lured the greatest of the Republic's heroes into a fleet ship he controls. It would serve no purpose to simply kill the Republic yet, when you can gather so much information, cause so many lag spikes for luls and at the right time, completely confuse the Republic fleet just before a major assault.


The fleet is 'docked' near enough to coruscant that the whole thing could have been built during its' sacking by the Empire. The Sith are masters of deception. The reflection of light however, has betrayed the ruse to cunning Republic heroes, but is it too late?




I see what you did there. ;)

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43 people...prime time republic fleet population right there. or at least it is on Darth Scion. Then you go to the Imperial side and there are that many in the BT instance.


and about the imperial reflection...too funny. Add it to the list of imperial > republic items.

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