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Buff awards for WZ Healing!


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Agree with OP.


Had over 350k healing last game ( note, i am only lvl41 without the AOE heal ) and still i get only 2-3 medals + i get lucky if i get 1 or 2 MVP votes.


Don't know why, but people always vote for the guy who had the highest DPS, not the guy who saved there nab butts countles times.

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if you think 1k dmg per global is good, you are sadly mistaken, that's not even worth using unless its going to kill someone.


Yeah right 1k dmg per global.




I am well aware that the guy is also using shortterm buffs in alot of these scenes and his "commentary" looks a little elitist and thus borderline annoying, but this should pretty much show you that a heal spec can do enough damage to be competitive.


And yes, there are alot of brainless zergers who cant seem to find their interrupt buttons. Still doesnt change the fact that his damage is good enough compared to "true" dps classes.


After watching this video, ppl should also now understand why Bioware has put in the trauma debuff in the first place. And if not, well then youre just a hopeless case of too much ego...

Edited by Sheduur
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Yeah right 1k dmg per global.




I am well aware that the guy is also using shortterm buffs in alot of these scenes and his "commentary" looks a little elitist and thus borderline annoying, but this should pretty much show you that a heal spec can do enough damage to be competitive.



Wait... isn't this guy using soon to be nerfed consumable stacking against soon to be having their own bracket lowbies?


yeah.. lets balance everything around that, shall we?


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If you're only getting 2-4 medals - just wow. You should be getting:


2500k - Heal


5k - Heal


75k - Healing


300k Healing


Quick Draw - (This is so insanely easy it's not even funny. LH a kill when you're in a 2-3v one situation. If you don't find this situation happening in your WFs, you need to be more mobile.


Invincible/Unbeatable ETC - The first one should be easy if you're healing right, staying near your tanks, moving right. The second can be more difficult, but for sure doable.


Defender - Again, this is a no brainer and should be easy. 2 medals here, for doing your job right.


75k Damage - I have 0 trouble getting this and keeping my team up, as a 50 Sorc heal spec - I have 2 PVP implants but that's it for PVP gear. A guild mate of mine, 50 heal spec Op also has 0 trouble with this. This is one of those medals that makes you a good healer, because it means you're doing more than one thing at once.


Thinking you shouldn't HAVE to DPS to medal up is flawed. Those DPS classes that are getting 10 medals are using health packs to get healer medals. They're using shield to get that medal. They're picking their targets correctly to maximize DPS. 1v1ing when it's appropriate, for their Assassin medal.


They are NOT JUST DPS. You need to get in this frame of mind, and be NOT JUST heals. It's what separates good players from bad ones.


I realize this won't be possible in every WF. That's fine, that's how it is. Sometimes you get marked. Sometimes you get shut down. It happens to every healer. But don't be bad and complain that you can't medal up.


EDIT - forgot to add the 10/25 kills medals. I'm tossing my instant cast DOT (Affliction) all the time. I'm using my instant cast interrupt/stuns on enemy healers and runners. This is netting damage, and kills and is a HEALER UTILITY JOB. Stunning the Sorc who's channeling lighting and about to own a teammate is MORE EFFECTIVE than spamming heals on said teammate.

Edited by TheRealDoobers
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If you're only getting 2-4 medals - just wow. You should be getting:


2500k - Heal


5k - Heal


75k - Healing


300k Healing


Quick Draw - (This is so insanely easy it's not even funny. LH a kill when you're in a 2-3v one situation. If you don't find this situation happening in your WFs, you need to be more mobile.


Invincible/Unbeatable ETC - The first one should be easy if you're healing right, staying near your tanks, moving right. The second can be more difficult, but for sure doable.


Defender - Again, this is a no brainer and should be easy. 2 medals here, for doing your job right.


75k Damage - I have 0 trouble getting this and keeping my team up, as a 50 Sorc heal spec - I have 2 PVP implants but that's it for PVP gear. A guild mate of mine, 50 heal spec Op also has 0 trouble with this. This is one of those medals that makes you a good healer, because it means you're doing more than one thing at once.


Thinking you shouldn't HAVE to DPS to medal up is flawed. Those DPS classes that are getting 10 medals are using health packs to get healer medals. They're using shield to get that medal. They're picking their targets correctly to maximize DPS. 1v1ing when it's appropriate, for their Assassin medal.


They are NOT JUST DPS. You need to get in this frame of mind, and be NOT JUST heals. It's what separates good players from bad ones.


I realize this won't be possible in every WF. That's fine, that's how it is. Sometimes you get marked. Sometimes you get shut down. It happens to every healer. But don't be bad and complain that you can't medal up.


EDIT - forgot to add the 10/25 kills medals. I'm tossing my instant cast DOT (Affliction) all the time. I'm using my instant cast interrupt/stuns on enemy healers and runners. This is netting damage, and kills and is a HEALER UTILITY JOB. Stunning the Sorc who's channeling lighting and about to own a teammate is MORE EFFECTIVE than spamming heals on said teammate.


Your also medal hunting, and letting people die. Have no one on your team die for an entire game then tell me you did all that at the same time kid.


Also like you said, dps are MEDPACKING for free medals. If those count, they need to introduce like craftable/buyable grenades so healers can throw them for easy dps medals.


In response to the video, like another poster said, buff stacking and full pvp gear vs none. Also I play sorc so I was speaking for my self, not all healers.


I think you dps are forgetting, your healer DPSing to try and cheese some extra medals, is letting your teammates fall behind in health vs enemies. When you fall behind you become more and more susceptible to those, 'STIMZ AND RELICZ AND COOLDOWNZ GO ROFLSTOMP KIDS FACE IN' moments. Maybe the healing community should just say screw it and all roll dps, then pvp will really get old.

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Your also medal hunting, and letting people die. Have no one on your team die for an entire game then tell me you did all that at the same time kid.


Also like you said, dps are MEDPACKING for free medals. If those count, they need to introduce like craftable/buyable grenades so healers can throw them for easy dps medals.


In response to the video, like another poster said, buff stacking and full pvp gear vs none. Also I play sorc so I was speaking for my self, not all healers.


I think you dps are forgetting, your healer DPSing to try and cheese some extra medals, is letting your teammates fall behind in health vs enemies. When you fall behind you become more and more susceptible to those, 'STIMZ AND RELICZ AND COOLDOWNZ GO ROFLSTOMP KIDS FACE IN' moments. Maybe the healing community should just say screw it and all roll dps, then pvp will really get old.


I can't and won't be responsible for players on my team outside my purview. I'm getting my LH when I can, when the people around me are topped off or not in danger. I'm popping my DoTs in the same scenario. I've been in Huttball matches with 8 or 9 global deaths and hit 7-8 medals no problem.


Some players are beyond saving. People who rush in 2 or 3 V 1, are consistently running solo, or have no map awareness are not my problem, as chasing them down to to heal them is either going to get me killed, or get teammates who are playing like a team killed. When somebody gets pulled into the fire out of my Extraction range, I can't save them. So that's a terrible argument.


The medpack mechanic is fine - it's the same as me getting kill medals, and I'm fine with that. OP is basically suggesting that healers ignore 1/3 of their class skills, and that's a disadvantage.


I'm not saying I'm the best healer, and I'm certainly under geared for WFs. I'm just saying that nobody should complain about medals when they aren't using their class to it's fullest extent. People always complain about not being able to do things, but in many cases they haven't tried to find a better way.

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Agreed, this is making character progression much slower as a healer.


I could DPS and faceroll my way to 8-9 medals per match, but I don't enjoy DPS, nor should it be the only viable route to improve my character. Whenever I'm giving it my all as a healer (and I do believe I'm quite good at it, been healing in MMOs for seven years) and still only getting 1/2 to 2/3 of the rewards I could be getting by smashing my face into my keyboard as a DPS, there's an issue.


I pointed this out during beta as well, but it seems like we'll have to deal with it for a bit longer.

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Our Healers dont have the globals to be doing any damage at all when were fighting good teams. and i also dont want them to have to worry about using "mana" on any dps at because they are going to need there "mana" for heals.


Also the 700k healing really happens. We willo have a video out by the end of this week i will show some meters, in this video i will also show how few of medals they get.


Thanks for all the good feedback so far.

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I PvP a lot on my Operative Medic. I have the full healing PvP set now, including the gun which dropped for me today.


I can go a few hours of PvP with 3-5 medals per match few if any MvP votes. After a while it begins to grate on me, as I'm sure it does many others, and I simply pay for a respec and go concealment (Ooooo, the boogeyman everyone hates!).


As dps I can easily rack up 7-10 medals in a game, be top dps, AND get a bunch of MvP votes. This is far more satisfying than healing for few medals and little to no recognition. In fact, given the current system, if dual spec were available I would likely be concealment for every PvP match.


Please offer more of an incentive for healers, especially considering this game tends to go out of its way create disincentives for people to heal. =(


ADDENDUM: Allowing absorbs from healers to count would only benefit one class of healers as far as I know. Medics have no absorb mechanics, and as far as I know, no other class except Sorcs have that.

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Honestly, I got tired of all the dpsbots in these threads telling us not to be healbots. So now I just medal hunt (at least until dual-spec, when i go pvp dps). I get my healing medals to 75k, then switch to crappy damage. Tag people low on health to make sure I get a kill credit. All other objectives go out the window.


People have gotten angry at me for doing it, especially when we go from winning to losing, but I just give them BW's customer support email and tell them to ***** to them.


I've also stopped healing tanks that guard people. You want to get your guard medals? Fine, but try doing it without a healer keeping you up. That medal is more about me keeping you up than you keeping someone else up. Why should you get it?

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gotta love our 2 healers, didnt let anyone on our team die for an entire voidstar defend, 500k+ healing each. and they we both got 4 medals, while the scrub that medpacked on cooldown and did 100k dmg.... got 6. Gotta love it.
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