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New Firebug talent suggestions


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I just respecced into Firebug and thought about three new talents which would make the pyro tree a little more interesting and exciting.


Please tell me what you think.


Firebug Tree

New Tier 2 talent - Custom Grip



Power Shot is now an instant ability and has a 6 second cooldown.


Revised Tier 4 talent - Prototype Particle Accelerator



Each tick of Incendiary Missile has a 10/20/30% chance and Power shot has a 33.3/66.6/100% chance to finish the cooldown on rail shot and make the next rail shot free.


New Tier 4 talent - Burn victim



Any target affected by ignite or combustible gas cylinder suffer 25%/50% reduced healing and effects.



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Pyro is already a great spec, these changes would push it WAY over the top though, having a guaranteed rail shot reset on power shot and not having to cast ANYTHING would be pretty ridiculous as well as having a mortal strike debuff.


The only change i would like to see for pyro is to put the afterburners talent farther down in arsenal so bodyguard / pyrotech can get it

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The healing debuff is kinda sorta overpowered, bruv.


Also out mobility and mobility is fine, with those revised talents we'd have so much on-demand burst on a small CD that we'd have to be nerfed somewhere else.


IMO, the 2 things we need are Afterburners and some sort of interrupt... I understand why Arsenal doesn't need it (in PvP) since they can outdamage the heals, but Pyro is a DoT-reliant spec, after all.


Also I don't understand why Stabilizers is not baseline... it's not a problem in PvP, but in PvE it's so annoying.

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I agree with Juicenewtonz. However, instead of moving Afterburners for defensive purposes, I feel that Pyrotech's native defensive abilities need a buff. Here are two suggestions that have the added advantage of making more sense:


Automated Defenses: Critical hits have a 15/30% chance to refresh Kolto Overload. This effect cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds.


Comments: It sounds broken, but really, it's not much better than an Operative's Revitalizers, which is totally passive and they can keep going forever to heal 2% every 3 seconds; in this case, we are healing 3% every 2 seconds, but with only a 30% chance of occurring after we crit. Plus, you have to activate the thing, meaning you are using a GCD. Besides, it's a damn tier six ability.


Energy Rebounder: While Energy Shield is active, you have a 50/100% chance to return 50% of all incoming damage to your attacker.


Comments: This counts Energy Shield's damage reduction for a total of 37.5% damage returned. Keep in mind that it does not reduce the damage any further.

Edited by Suzut
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1 fix, 3 options for Bioware:


Improved Vents (Tier I Bodyguard) moved to Pyro tree.




Change TD damage from kinetic to heat (since it is only Tier 7 skill linked on CD with another skill).




Remove CD link on TD to Explosive Dart.




Energy Rebounder: improve the reduction on shields CD from 3 sec to 4 sec - since Pyro Mercs have survivability issues.




Include Fusion Missle in Pyro tree for bonuses (i.e. the Tier 5 skill "Firebug")




Modify shoulder slam to make it more usable for Mercs (PT is in melee range more than Merc should be, therefore getting more use out of this skill).





For Mercs as a whole:


Reduce CD on Jet boost (with all the crowd control in game it favors melee, this gives Merc a better chance on survivability)

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