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No patch on 1/17/2011


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Again, you're comparing completely different markets (consumer electronics) and completely different people (random people on amazon with professional gaming journalists that need to protect their own credibility and the credibility of their site in front of their readership, that kinda happens to pay their groceries), that of course makes your point completely moot.


The lovely thing is that I have no need to prove anything. You're the one throwing accusations. The burden of proof is on you :D


As I said man, keep living in fantasy land where people can't get bought off to make a glowing review or told they will lose advertising if they post a negative review, I am done with your ignorance.

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As I said man, keep living in fantasy land where people can't get bought off to make a glowing review or told they will lose advertising if they post a negative review, I am done with your ignorance.


translation of the above: "I cannot counter your arguments, nor prove in any way the accusations I'm throwing, therefore I will insult you" :rolleyes:


Which, mind you, goes really well together with: "Reviewers praised a game I don't like, therefore they must be all paid"


Ok mate :D

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translation of the above: "I cannot counter your arguments, nor prove in any way the accusations I'm throwing, therefore I will insult you" :rolleyes:


Ok mate :D


No I just find no point arguing with blissfully ignorant people such as yourself.

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No I just find no point arguing with blissfully ignorant people such as yourself.


"arguing" would involve you actually having an argument to begin with. That doesn't seem to be the case :rolleyes:

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You seem to think that production values should have no bearing in the outcome of a review. Obviously that's not the case. They're an important element like any other, as they do increase the enjoyment of a game. Objectively so.




The soundtrack is there, it's not minimalist (the fact that there are silent times don't make the soundtrack minimalist, nor it influences it's quality in the least). This without even getting into sound design, that is probably the best of the whole MMORPG market.

Just lol at the "bare lifeless environment".

The environmental design of this game is one of its most critically praised areas (and this tells me a lot about your "critique"), for a whole lot of reasons, like the density of vegetations and props, the use of light and color and so forth. You won't find many environments in a MMORPG that get much better than Alderaan for instance.




No. There are a few bad points that people with the slightest experience know as being endemic of the genre and not of the particular product.




You obviously don't, because you'd have to point at the whole MMORPG market before pointing at this one. For a MMORPG this isn't "shoddy" nor "unfinished".


Funny you mention it cause I thought Alderaan was one of the uglier planets and I skipped all the quests there other than my class quest. The ground looks as though half the textures and colors are missing.. the trees look like cardboard.. not to mention the generic cut and paste space ports and bases on all the planets..wheres the flavor.. I don't know what hole you've been in the last 5 years to come and say this game has amazing environments. They struck me as mostly plain, boring, and uninspired...


well anyway, good that you're really enjoying the game then man.. cheers

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Funny you mention it cause I thought Alderaan was one of the uglier planets and I skipped all the quests there other than my class quest. The ground looks as though half the textures and colors are missing.. the trees look like cardboard.. not to mention the generic cut and paste space ports and bases on all the planets..wheres the flavor.


You must be playing with all the sliders at zero, even more so considering that the ground is covered by what's probably the most lush and dense grass effect ever seen in a game of this genre.


I don't know what hole you've been in the last 5 years to come and say this game has amazing environments. .


Playing basically every single major MMORPG (and many minor ones) released in those 5 years.


well anyway, good that you're really enjoying the game then man.. cheers


Yep, cheers to me. I enjoy a game and I'm posting on the forums of a game I enjoy, which is rather logical. That's not the case for others, which makes me wonder about their priorities :D

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You must be playing with all the sliders at zero, even more so considering that the ground is covered by what's probably the most lush and dense grass effect ever seen in a game of this genre.


Yep, and it's so poorly done you can even watch that grass grow!

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