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LFG for Podcast / Seeking co-hosts (pref. 1 female for their perspective)


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I'm seriously looking to start a new TOR podcast, with some unique and interesting ideas to set it apart from others. Looking for interested people for co-hosts just as enthusiastic and driven as I am. I would prefer one of them a girl interested in providing the female perspective on different aspects of this game.


This podcast would strive to provide unique organized discussion ideally among 3 people. I don't want to take away from all the current 'casts out there - would *prefer* to join up or collaborate with current ones, as I have a ton of ideas, segments and discussion topics in mind, but either way really want to get something going now that I have gotten my creative juices flowing.


I have a professional background in radio and podcasting, have over a decade in audio production experience with the right equipment for the job. It's just a question of finding the right people to create/join up with. Chemistry is just as important as content. If you're interested please shoot me a message and we'll go from there..

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