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Mandalorian Guild?


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Since I haven't really come across any, I was wondering whether anyone would like to help set up a Mandalorian guild on the EU RP Trask Ulgo server, which rather than serve the Empire (or the Republic) seeks independance and the preservation of the legacy of the Mando'ade. Ideally, the organisation would be somewhat similar to Cassus Fett's Neo-Crusaders, in that it would pursue aggressive integration of other races and cultures. Obviously, Force-using classes would likely be unable to join--unless you actually RP a non-Force senstive person and use vibro-blades etc.


Its overall objective would probably be the eventual overthrow of Mand'alor the Vindicated, the installation of a new worthy Mand'alor and the subsequent aggressive pursuit of Mandalorian expansion. Not only in terms of conquest but in cultural terms as well, as carried out by Cassus Fett during the Mandalorian Wars.


Obviously, the guild would have major challenges. Especially given that Mand'alor the Vindicated has already cracked down on seperatist groups. Nevertheless I think it would be wholly interesting and enjoyable. I am just hoping others feel the same.

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