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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Quick question about Stats and Ammo


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Ok folks, I changed a few mods on some gear and all of a sudden my ammo doesn't seem to last as long. I've tried changing some mods back but I can't figure out what could possibly make that kind of change.


Is it just my imagination or will a certain stat actually effect the ammo?


I'm a lvl 35 Commando 100% Gunnery tree. And the changes did not happen at the new lvl I was in the middle of lvl 34 when it started.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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If you put alacrity in your gear, you'll dump your ammo a lot faster and it won't get as much regen time per attack as if you didn't have it.


If you dump all your crit, cell charger won't proc as often.


If you forget to enable AP Cell, then cell charger won't proc at all.

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If you put alacrity in your gear, you'll dump your ammo a lot faster and it won't get as much regen time per attack as if you didn't have it.


If you dump all your crit, cell charger won't proc as often.


If you forget to enable AP Cell, then cell charger won't proc at all.


AP is always on and if anything I added a few crit points. However I think in doing so I removed some power... could that have done it?

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If you took away a lot of crit and had 2 points in cell charger you could not getting as much benefit from that skill.


So is it safe to say that if I just find a way to add some crit that should swing things back the other way?

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Have you changed your rotation at all? Plasma Grenade is incredibly inefficient on mana and so is explosive round. ER should never be used once you're past level 20 and Plasma only if you make it cost 0 ammo, or if you hit 3+ targets. Edited by LordKivlov
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Have you changed your rotation at all? Plasma Grenade is incredibly inefficient on mana and so is explosive round. ER should never be used once you're past level 20 and Plasma only if you make it cost 0 ammo, or if you hit 3+ targets.


No change in rotation. Mostly using Grav Round, HIB and the occasional Full Auto. What about if I lowered AIM? I remember changing a few mods from 22A/15E to 15A/22E... which would result in lowering my AIM by at least 14 points.


I really appreciate everyone's help. I would just go in change a bunch of mods and experiment but that gets a little expensive when I don't have a clue. :D

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Lowering aim will lower your crit. You never want to lose aim on a piece of gear unless you're gaining a buttload of something else since aim gives everything.


But other than that, stats don't affect ammo regen. Stay in the 4th tier as much as possible with liberal use of hammershot to keep from dropping to 7 ammo and you'll be fine.

Edited by LordKivlov
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Doubt that's the problem. a couple percent worth of crit isn't going to make that large of an impact on cell charger.


Well I know I would have dropped at least 14 points of AIM. Maybe more by the time I was done. The bottom line though is to increase crit in whatever way I can right?

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