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anyone else pre-order on the 13 of Dec?


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I am guessing that a majority of pre-orders were July through Sept and those of us in Oct-Dec are probably 40% of all the pre-orders.


By the look of other posts (this is speculation) they will be up the end of Sept today.


Oct and Nov invites Thurs and I am guessing those of us who pre-ordered in Dec will get an Invite sometime Friday.



I could be wrong, and we will get in Thurs, perhaps Friday. If not Friday then I am said to say I doubt we will gain access until Monday. This makes me sad, as I didn't even know about this game until late Nov and decided to pre-order Dec 3.


One thing is for certain, we either will or we won't get in before Dec 20 :)

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Not quite the 13th, I pre-ordered on the 11th. We'll probably be in the same wave.. The last one.. Though I think they are up to October pre-orders now, I'm pretty confident that we will get access in plenty of time for a weekend of SWTOR madness.
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I purchased Game and 60 day pass thru Origin 12/12

The 60 day pass said I will get in 12/15


That is 5 days before the 12/20 launch so I think we have to wait another day.


So I am reading a lot of good info that Bioware has posted.


I have to play some ME2 while I wait for the e-mail

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I wonder if I am the only 13th of Dec pre order.....


I may very well be the last damn person let in the early access...


yup I preordered the morning of the 13th as soon as I saw early access...


I was planning on just buying it on the 20th, but who doesn't want to get a week ahead of everyone else? I know I do...

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