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Gearing for PVE leveling?


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Just a quick question to all the marauders out there that have done the gauntlet to 50:


I have just started leveling my Marauder in ernest and realized that I die allot more than my other classes even though I seem to have some decent defensive tools (including a 300 synthweaver). All class whining aside I was wondering if I should be focusing on Defense gear for leveling instead of power/crit? Short of not having a shield offhand it seems I should be doing quite a bit better. Would stacking defense (at least till I start getting accuracy gear) be of any help with survivability?

I am already saving droid parts so I can use my ships droid for healing eventually but for now I am having allot of fun as banzai dps, I just want to do a little better with elite's/champions.

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As far as gear goes, I'd be only concerened with crit/surge ratings and non of the defensive stuff.


Which tree are you specced in? If you specced anni then get used to using retaliation on every cd so you can almost always keep up cloak of pain


otherwise it's just working out a rotation that will allow you to pulverize through things as fast as possible to minimize the amount of damage taken

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IMO as a Marauder (deee peeee esss) no reason to get defense gear. Just stack gear that increases damage and such. Lot of a people are complaining that we are squishy at can't survive in PvE or PvP, but every class is like that. If you ever get stuck in tough situations, don't forget to pop your shields, medpacks, and stims. Edited by BarcodeX
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