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New PvP mode? or BioWare Missed Opportunities?


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***I know it's a wall of text, but please read it. Just this once. I rarely start threads unless it's worth talking about/***


We all know that there are a few reasons why we keep playing mmorpgs. Let's face it, if I really wanted to anklebite giant monsters with friends that much, I would hack a multiplayer version of Shadow of the Colossus. Generally PvP, competition, and interesting challenges keep players logging in day after day.


Thus, I'm asking, "Bioware how are you going to release a Resident Evil Scenario but not have any of the pvp gametypes."


Here's a rough draft of some modes. I say we make this loud enough, so bioware acknowledges.


<<If you like these ideas, please write "+1" in your post. Feel free to list thoughts/criticism but no troll or flame plz. >>


"Infection" type pvp mode:

WHat makes rakghouls so frightening or unique compared to other monsters in the SW univ? It's not that they can kill or eat you. Everything does that in this game. Rakghouls turn people like a Planet of the Apes Zombie Plague. This idea is the "ye olde Zombie Infection mode".


Players from one or both sides fight increasing difficult hordes of infectious rakghouls. When a player dies, they join the horde. These players play as elite rakghouls and get new fiendish abilities and passives while losing their class abilites (idk, like a wall run and a jump/run speed passive. "Turned" players also receive "Dead Space"-esque rakghoul abilities in addition to beast-like melee standards. force users can turn into feral nekghouls.) Rakghoul hordes lower a bit in strength when a player is added to their numbers, so difficulty does not jump too high after someone dies. Players cannot kill each other in this match unless one of the combatants is a rakghoul. The last person to remain alive wins the round. The match ends when the winner finally dies. Marks and trophies are given for match completion, longest time remaining alive, MVP, etc. Marks/trophies should not be given for "winning the round" as that would discourage group synergy.


Also while the horde has a primary objective, the players could also have primary objectives such as to secure an a safe area while somebody hacks a terminal for comm codes, get past environment obstacles, hold/secure an rooftop to communicate with fleet/reinforcements, make way to evacuation zone. Player objectives will focus on their interests, mainly to survive and escape.


"Juggernaut/Ninjanaut" pvp mode:

For those of you dolts, I'm not referring to a Sith Warrior class spec.


Obviously, Halo has great, addictive pvp. However, this game mode is not new by any means, It is a variant from UT's game mode: "overdose". So name it Rakghoul "___insert game mode here____" and copyright should not be an issue.


Basically, a group of people enter a round. Background: "Rep SIS or Imp Int. finds a research facility on a neutral world that was actually reverse engineering the rakghoul virus with the end goal of creating super-soldiers." Players from either side are mixed together, while exploring a lab on Kaon. one person is infected by a more potent yet rare form of the rakghoul virus. That player morphs into a potent juggernaut rakghoul.


Players do not enter the labs together but infiltrate this level from different entrances in small groups of two or three. Players are encouraged to work together and fight this bad-*** rakghoul, AKA juggernaut. However, opposing sides can undercut or kill each other if they want to. This "juggernaut" game mode is a three-way battle with a "High value target". This makes winning as the juggernaut feasible and also less frustrating.


To further balance things, if the juggernaut finds a player weak or alone, he can turn that fool into a thrall via an "execute" ability. The Thrall is a rakghoul, uses rakghoul abilites, and is basically weaker juggernaut in terms of stats. That thrall will fight alongside the juggernaut unless killed by human/alien players. The "Juggernaut" is limited to one to three thralls depending on total number of players in that match (ideally can go up to sixteen or eighteen total). If a juggernaut has the maximum number of thralls but enthralls another player, the newest victim becomes a thrall; while, the oldest and presumably weakest thrall dies. Thralls are reset to non-rakghoul faction members when a new juggernaut is chosen.[/b] The infection transfers to the person who manages to slay the "juggernaut". The game is won through scoring enough kills, finding out how to destroy the lab, then by actually annihilating the laboratory.


The juggernaut accumulates points for each kill he makes. Thrall killing blows count as a kill for the juggernaut if the thrall is close enough to the juggernaut character (i.e. 15 to 20 meters. it should be a medium distance); thralls can only score through assisting the juggernaut. Whenever less than one-third of the Republic or Sith faction remains spawned, the opposing faction receives "x" points. This bonus does not benefit juggernaut faction. This is designed to discourage "juggernaut favoritism", and to give normal players a means of reaching (champion status). "Wipeout Bonuses" only benefit non-rakghoul factions. The order of point accumulation from best to least is Juggernaut > Players > Thralls.


Once the "winning number" of points is reached, players killed by the "champion faction" (juggernaut, sith, or republic) do not respawn. It is possible for there to be multiple "champion factions" present in one match. For example if both jugg and sith score 100 points, they are now both "champion factions" for this match. This is to ensure an immersive denouement to this match and also provides an opportunity for a closing story/reward based objective: To destroy the facility. Why do you destroy the facility (morality/blood lust(rakghoul)/to hide power)[light/dark side points]? And whether or not you take the abominable secrets with you.

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